Dragon-king Funny Status Messages
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38 years old and still doesn't need glasses . . . I just drink straight out of the bottle!
wondering why his daughter's diaper holds no where near the 22-37 pounds it promises.
decided to continue with the beatings until morale improves
considers obese people to be dyslexic anorexic
wonders how skinny he would be if he had to pedal to keep the computer on.
calculating pi but can't seem to make it past sugar cream
FREE TIBET! *Offer only valid with purchase of another Tibet of equal or greater value. Void where prohibited"
drinking till I'm someone else's problem
No trees were harmed in the posting of this Facebook status, but several million electrons were mildly inconvenienced.
wonders why, if vegetarian food tastes so good, do they keep eating Turkey-flavored this, Sausage-like that, and Meat-like Balls Marinara?
you`ll notice after reading this notice, that this notice isn`t worth noticing
thinks Michael's heart: just couldn't Beat It . . . too soon? too soon?
going to help support the Greek Debt Crisis by eating more Greek Dressing . . . .and Bakliva
"Now if I could just figure out something to do with my hands, I'd be set!" - Every white guy while dancing, ever.
I slap my own ass when having sex cause I'm that kinky. . . And alone.
showed my son the switch that makes the fridge light go off when the door closes. He looked at me like I'd just shot Santa in the nuts.
If you're playing with your X-Box all day, she'll break up with you and some dude will be playing with your ex's box all night.
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