Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Wish we had something like a .."National Emotionless Day"..A day where no one really gives a F**K. That my friend.. would be Awesome.

Bruno Mars was busted for Coccaine in the Bathroom with ANOTHER MAN!!....HMMMMM I wonder if they were playing '"SWORD FIGHT?" Bwahahaaa!!! LOL!
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09-21-2010 21:09
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NEWS: An Ohio exotic dancer was indicted for murder after she dragged a man under her car for more than a mile. Witnesses to the scene called it "The worst lap dance ever."
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09-21-2010 21:09
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Lindsay Lohan is so dumb that she wanted to move to Afghanistan......because she heard girls could get stoned there.
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09-21-2010 21:26
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Nothing says "this wont last"...quite like an engagement ring from Wal-Mart !*
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09-21-2010 21:34
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I always thought about joining the debate team but I already know I would get kicked out for saying "Yeah well F**k you" when the other team makes a good point
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09-21-2010 21:59
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I'm 31 years old and never married. How come it seems like every married person I know wishes their marriage license has an expiration date?

Tattoo on the lower back? Might as well be a bullseye.

Sex,drugs & rock n roll are all very well, but nothing beats a nice cup of tea.
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09-21-2010 23:19 by Sam
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a woman of many moods...and they all require chocolate
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09-22-2010 00:19
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says "The key to my heart are attached to that knife sticking out of my back."
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09-22-2010 02:35
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A mistress is something between a Mister and a mattress

Someday we'll look back on all this and pretend not to remember it.

Why ask me if I'm up when you text me at 3 in the morning and I answer it?

WANTED: Hoarder to come and gather up all my random sh%t and drag it back to their hoarding lair.

whoever decides when breakfast is over at McDonald's, F*CK YOU.

I've decided that I will be a team player when I get paid like a pro athlete.

You should never use cowboy builders but after what is going on at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi you should steer well clear of Indian ones too :)
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09-22-2010 07:11
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We can put a man on the moon. Create a device the cooks food in minutes if not seconds. We have GPS and smart phones. But we can't even cure the common cold??

Just witnessed a man purchasing Tampax at Walgreens. This man deserves bonus points!!
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09-22-2010 10:11
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