Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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There is always one person at the card table who has to be told it is their turn.
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09-17-2010 18:51
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Hey guy with the flat billed hat turned sideways and pants half off, I'm pretty sure the world will never take you seriously, ever! But, way to keep trying
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09-17-2010 18:54
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I was riding shotgun in an old man's truck when his cell phone rang. He checked who it was and said, 'I have to take this' then pulled over, parked, then answered the phone. What?
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09-17-2010 19:01
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Everybody knows that couple that should've broken up sixteen times already because they fight like kangaroos. "We're workin' it out" they alway say. Ummm no. You're "workin' it in."
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09-17-2010 19:03
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I feel accomplished when I can identify the show or movie that people are watching in their little car televisions.
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09-17-2010 19:04
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I am fairly certain that the last thing to ever fail on my car is that god damn signal that warns me that I am not wearing my seatbelt.
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09-17-2010 19:05
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Today at work both the UPS & Fedex guy showed up at the same time, I don't know who was more uncomfortable me or them.
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09-17-2010 19:07
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If "Twitter" wasn't such a lame name, and if it wasn't called "tweeting", I'd probably be into it.
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09-17-2010 19:12
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my pants are like a cheap hotel, no ballroom
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09-17-2010 19:13
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No grandma, the term "hung like a horse," has nothing to do with being hungry. Please stop saying that before you get us kicked out of here.
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09-17-2010 19:16
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Since M&M's have been saturating the market with various different types of flavors and centers, here's an idea for them: put mini M&M's inside regular ones and voilĂ ! M&M's Pregnants.
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09-17-2010 19:18
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Those high powered hand dryers are awesome for getting your hands dry in three seconds, and as an added bonus I now know what my hands would look like if they ever went sky diving.
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09-17-2010 19:20
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It's fun to email news headlines to a buddy when a hurricane has the same name as his ex. "Hermine leaves trail of destruction", "Hermine won't stop blowing in Gulf Coast". Yeah, that's her alright.
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09-17-2010 19:21
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I'm working on my resume. Should I use the term "mad skillz" or would "mad skills" be more formal?
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09-17-2010 19:27
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If America had a slogan it'd be "Don't bother me, I'm eating."
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09-17-2010 19:28
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I'm dving behind someone who is obviously scared of his gas pedal.
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09-17-2010 19:29
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Why burp when you can fart? You're cheating your ass out of a good time.
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09-17-2010 19:30
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I hate auto flush sh*tters. All that work without being able to see the result just seems like a waste.
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09-17-2010 19:35
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Everybody has a box somewhere with some weird sh*t in it.
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09-17-2010 19:36
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If I were president the first thing I'd do is put Kansas City in Kansas.
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09-17-2010 19:37
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