Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Feds are indicting Clemens for perjury, said they knew he was on steriods when they saw his nose grow
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08-19-2010 16:13 by smeebert
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You know it's been a good day when you take a shower just to change your PJs.
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08-19-2010 16:21
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You know people who say they don't want to be on Facebook because they don't want to read what people are having for lunch? Screw them, I'm eating a sandwich.
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08-19-2010 16:22
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Facebook is a distraction - an attractive waste of time. That's what I love most about it.
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08-19-2010 16:23
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Facebook saved me from a terrifying keeping-my-thoughts-to-myself addiction.
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08-19-2010 16:24
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I was about to do something awesome, again, but I told myself, "Enough is enough! That's plenty of awesome for one day."
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08-19-2010 16:25
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I am beginning to think that the key to happiness is to learn to like the things you hate.
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08-19-2010 16:26
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It's not even 10 o'clock and I've already used up all my "give a crap" for the day.
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08-19-2010 16:27
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The current news of a wheat shortage doesn't concern me, as Jack Daniels is made from corn.
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08-19-2010 16:28
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Every so often, I like to go to the window, look up, and smile for a satellite picture.
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08-19-2010 16:30
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When I go to a restaurant I always ask the manager, "Give me a table near a waiter."
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08-19-2010 16:31
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Since I've been out of school, I've been to over 30 weddings. That's like 15 miles of the electric slide, people.
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08-19-2010 16:32
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I wish sometimes I was a WWE superstar, not so I can wrestle but so I can have some theme music everytime I enter a room.
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08-19-2010 16:34
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When a GPS says "Estimated Arrival Time." I see "Time to Beat."
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08-19-2010 16:34
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Whoa there, magazine, I already bought you. No need to pop out a million little post card babies asking me to subscribe.
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08-19-2010 16:35
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i used to get money.....actually I was just taking it
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08-19-2010 16:37
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...just heard that angered by today's Federal indictment for lying to Congress about his use of steroids and human growth hormones, Roger Clemens threw a car at reporters...

No, really, I'm laughing with you. Well, I will once I can find the time to stop laughing at you.
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08-19-2010 16:38
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When I was a boy, we didn't bail countries out. We took their land.
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08-19-2010 16:39
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Some "smart phone." Can't even tell the difference between a "Missed Call" and a "Purposely Ignored and Sent Straight to Voicemail" one.
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08-19-2010 16:40
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