Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Dear 11-21-24 6:48, no one is trying break into any bathrooms its a bathroom not fort knox
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11-24-2024 00:12 by Mio
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Black Friday special!!! Stay at home and save 100%.

Anyone under 6ft 4 who wants to use an Umbrella in a crowd should have to do a cour
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11-24-2024 14:22
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Yes,but Where on Eileen ?
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11-25-2024 09:56
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First rule of family gatherings, always bring your own vehicle so you can leave when you want.

If I truly posted what was on my mind, I'd most likely be in a psychiatric hospital right now.

I really think it's time to take the warning labels off everything and let stupidity work itself out of the gene pool.

Cancer is like being on an airplane falling from the sky and praying that the pilot can pull it out.
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11-27-2024 17:26
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I finally caved in and started using pronouns. Mine are We/Won
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11-28-2024 05:15
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Do the Chinese realize when visiting the USA they're buying souvenirs made in their country?

Companies need to stop making employees feel guilty for taking vacation days and time off just because they failed to hire a sufficient amount of people.

Would you rather be Whoopi Goldberg’s gynecologist or a Chiefs fan?
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12-01-2024 16:48
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My level of sarcasm is to the point where I don't even know if I'm kidding or not.

They say it's better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody?

Poke her in the coong-coong here we go.
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12-03-2024 15:38
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Santa has been reading your posts all year. Most of you are getting dictionaries.

Kinda ironic that the head of united healthcare dies form a shot. 🤣🤣 too soon ?
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12-04-2024 10:27 by Otis
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Before you mock children who still believe in Santa, remember there are still adults who believe everything they read on Facebook.

My high school math teacher died today.
Feeling depressed, I never got to tell him he was wrong.
I never used algebra, asshole!

Nothing like a hot bowl of beef stew on a cold, smowy night.
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12-05-2024 16:47
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