Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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1 down, 98 to go!- Jay-Z after cleaning the gutters
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10-13-2024 11:51
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Told my supervisor I'm coming in on Halloween as a ghost. I'll be here. You just won't see me.

My roomba just beat me to a Cheeto that I dropped on the floor. This is how the war against machines begins.
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10-14-2024 10:38
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If you think you are smarter than the previous generation...50 years ago the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.
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10-14-2024 15:51
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What is the fastest way to calm a woman down when she is angry?

I went scuba diving once and the instructor pointed out a shark and I swam toward it. When we got back up top on the boat he asked, "I pointed out a shark and you swam toward it? What the fuck?"
Without missing a beat my wife said, "He's been swimming to
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10-16-2024 12:33
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They warn you not to drink the battery contents because the previous generation did
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10-17-2024 01:35 by Lo
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To be a parent you have to be very patient who here considers themselves to be very impatient. Me too
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10-17-2024 01:45 by Luka
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I told the waitress my steak was bad. She picked it up, slapped it, put it down and said, "If it gives you more trouble let me know".

To all politicians: Keep sending me texts and I can promise you one thing - I won't be voting for you!

If a liars pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun!

Clocks go back on November 3. I hope mine goes back to when people had morals, values, loyalty, appreciation, and respect.

I don't stand for women's rights. I sit for them... and have them bring me a sandwich and a beer.
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10-21-2024 12:13
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He even fixed the ice cream machine 🍦

People cheating on their taxes disgust me. This is not the world I want to raise my 27 dependents in.

I really used to hate speed bumps. But now I'm slowly getting over them.

Settle an argument.. If a man is doing laundry and sneezes is it ok to blow his nose in a pillowcase?

If there's a 'z' in the middle of a last name, they're Italian. If there's a 'z' at the end of a last name, they're bean poppers.
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10-24-2024 06:54
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n't it funny how sharks can smell blood, dogs can smell drugs - but some people can't smell themselves when they need deodorant?

One of the biggest lies I tell myself: I don't need to write that down. I'll remember it.