Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Flooding in the Carolinas is God's wrath on New York/New Jersey transplants for thinking they can assimilate with hillbillies.
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10-01-2024 08:30 by Cornaga
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When I was younger, Freddie Krueger was so freakin' scary. But he doesn't even come close to Dunning-Kruger.
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10-01-2024 13:32
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"She doesn't pick the popular Pennsylvania governor. She doesn't pick the astronaut. Instead, she picks the Geo. Phloyd riot guy"
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10-01-2024 20:03
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If one door closes and another one opens, your house is haunted and you need to run.

Bats are just Halloween butterflies. That's all.
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10-02-2024 10:32
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It's finally October! Which means all of the cobwebs and dust in my house just became Halloween decorations.

Q. How does a non-binary kill someone? A. They slash Them

I swear I can feel my brain buffering... please hold while I load my next thought!
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10-03-2024 20:33 by JCGJ
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There. Summer is over. Hope you're happy you pumpkin spice loving psychos.

Why did God make Adam before Eve? To give Adam a chance to speak.

I'm stepping down from my position as an adult. It turns out this isn't for me but I appreciate the opportunity.

Deowent 12345
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10-06-2024 16:15
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NASA plans on looking for water on other planets besides Mars..... I would drink water from other planets. I’m not sure about water from Uranus, though .
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10-07-2024 05:56
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My boss asked me to write down two things I liked about my job. Apparently lunch time and quitting time are not the right answers.

I renamed my toilet Jim instead of John.. people are really impressed when I tell them I go to the Jim several times a day
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10-09-2024 01:22
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I told the bank manager that I wanted to open a joint account. He asked who with? I said, "The customer with the most money".

If you unfriend me and then later decide to send me another friend request, there will be a $29.99 reconnection fee.

Hey guys, if you don't tell your woman she's beautiful, a Pakistani on Facebook will.
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10-10-2024 16:15
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Everybody's a little bit crazy... It's just that some of us aren't afraid to take it out for a walk in public.

Lochore meadows
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10-11-2024 12:35
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