Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Found out today that my ex needs a liver transplant,I'm not worried though ,she hasn't rejected an organ in 40 years
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09-21-2024 07:58
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Nothing says "this wont last"...quite like an engagement ring from Wal-Mart !
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09-22-2024 02:22 by Jack
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I swear all I do is work, come home, blink, and then I'm back at work again.

If your neighbor happens to have a Trump/Vance sign in their yard, be a good neighbor and make sure you check on them! Sometimes its too late to notice mental health illnesses until it's too late!
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09-24-2024 07:26
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I don’t have a status today, I have a concept of a status though
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09-24-2024 08:38
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Kamala Harris quote: "Who doesn't love a yellow school bus? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Many of us went to school on a yellow school bus, right? I remember them now, all yellow and everything."
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09-24-2024 11:17 by JOEBiden
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I went to the doctor thinking I might have arthritis, I don't. Turns out I have early onset rigor mortis.
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09-24-2024 20:00
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I hate it when I'm singing a song and the artist gets the words wrong.

Not sure who's gonna win this years presidential election, but two people who are going to be in my cabinet will be, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam....
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09-25-2024 06:02
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I bet aliens ride past earth and lock their doors.

The U.S air force has Cobra helicopters, Canada's air force has Cobra Chickens
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09-26-2024 15:36
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got thrown out of a casino last night. apparently I must have completely misunderstood the crap table!
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09-27-2024 05:32
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Today's tip of the Day: If you need some help at Home Depot and are being ignored, get on one of their step ladders.
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09-27-2024 05:33
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I have been advised by the best medical authority, at my age, not to attempt to give up alcohol."
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09-27-2024 05:34
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Waiter: would you like a little quiche before your main course mam? Me: ok, but no tongue
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09-27-2024 05:34
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If I blocked you on social media and you see me in the streets, the block still applies in real life.

Back in my day, we didn’t scroll—we farmed! I remember when this was all FarmVille.
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09-27-2024 19:49 by JCGJ
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I’ve been on Facebook forever! I remember when we had to plow our fields in FarmVille by hand—virtually, of course!
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09-27-2024 19:53 by JCGJ
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A true friend is someone who knows how crazy you are and is still willing to be seen in public with you.

My friend runs a camping shop,and between December and February he has a sale,so I made him a banner for the front of his shop, it reads "now is the winter of our discount tents"
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09-30-2024 02:04 by peterCUK
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