Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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STD:Stop the Donald. Don’t let the disease spread.
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09-12-2024 17:31
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I don't mind drinking 1% milk as long as the other other 99% is some combination of vodka and Kahlua
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09-13-2024 03:38 by Jack
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Nurse: There's a man in the waiting room who thinks he's invisible. What should I tell him? Doctor: Tell him I can't see him today.

Winter's coming. Bright side...Taylor Swift albums make excellent kindly.
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09-14-2024 08:00
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Paused Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory to go buy a Snickers. This is why I can’t watch Breaking Bad.
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09-14-2024 08:24 by Jack
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Meme caption
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09-14-2024 21:26
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The worst thing to step on in the dark is someone else's foot when you live alone.

When a woman asks you to guess her age, it's like deciding whether to cut the blue, red, or green wire to diffuse a bomb.

I've been on Facebook for 16 years. I remember when this was all farmland.

Amazing Fact: Donald Trump has been shot at more times than Tim Walz.
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09-17-2024 05:55
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Post the four words every girl wants whispered in her ear.

The economy is so bad right now, I received a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
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09-18-2024 08:42
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If the glove doesn't fit, you must use lubricant.
-Diddy...,,, probably
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09-18-2024 13:44 by Timmah
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I didn't even know what to buy people for Christmas until I heard about these exploding pagers and walki-talkies.
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09-18-2024 18:39
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Diddy didnt kill himself..... Oh wait...thats next weeks headline....
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09-19-2024 04:18
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Stop trying to please people who don't like you and embrace the joy of being the most annoying person they've ever met.

Ew a lair
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09-19-2024 15:38
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Where there is smoke..,,, there are Hezbollah operatives. BOOM! #Skyline of Beirut
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09-20-2024 04:14 by HeheNotme
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People who worry about what kind of planet we're leaving for our kids might want to consider what kind of kids we're leaving for our planet.

It's amazing how Facebook can spot a fake post but can't spot a fake profile.