Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I'm very angry because I wasn't wearing my glasses at the store and I bought curry powder instead of the saffron I needed. I'll make use of it; I'm just mad about saffron.
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04-26-2024 17:07
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When your phone dies and you realize you're jealous

All these galaxies and planets and we ended up on the one with 40 hour work weeks.

she is never yours, its just your turn.

If you ever meet a girl that admits she's wrong, apologizes, and changes her ways, dump her because she might be a man. Women don't do that.

Shout-out to everyone lying in bed just scrolling on their phone.

I can handle most things in life. But hearing someone chew their food is not one of them.

I ask you , who Hasn't drank a bottle of fireball then went down the park slide naked at least once your honor ?
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05-02-2024 18:01
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I just realized why this month is called May. It may rain, it may snow, it may be 70 degrees or it may be 20 degrees.

I went to the grocery store today and the cashier said my total was $208.47. I wanted a second opinion so I went to self checkout and my new total was $43.20.

That awkward moment when you realize even Hitler found his soulmate, yet you can't even seem to find that last bag of potato chips in the cabinet.
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05-05-2024 07:51 by Jas
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Whenever someone asks "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me"? Come prepared! Keep a banana lodged in the depths of your underwear, pull in out and say "It's just a banana. I'm never happy to see you"!
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05-05-2024 07:57 by Jas
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Here's how I define marriage: Marriage is finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

I think it's only a matter of time until "Security Cameras of Walmart" is a hit reality show.

Marriage tip: Your wife values honesty. So if your wife asks you if her best friend is prettier than her, just say yes. Your wife will value and appreciate your opinion, and she will love you more for it.

My bank balance is a constant reminder that I'm safe from identity theft.

Inside every female body builder, is a man wanting to get out.
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05-10-2024 04:53
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I wish I had enough money to discover that it doesn't actually make me happy.

At any given time, the urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.

Life is like peeing up a drain pipe, it all comes back to you.