Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I saw all your OJ jokes yesterday and they absolutely killed me
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04-13-2024 08:21
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When you die people cry and beg for you to come back. But when you do, there's the running and the screaming.

If Joe Biden's economy is so good, why can't those student loans people pay back their own loans?
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04-15-2024 13:19
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I’m getting stronger with age. I can now lift $100 worth of groceries with one hand.
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04-15-2024 15:31
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I ate a kid's meal at McDonald's today. His parents weren't too happy about it.

I always thought it was "Blew by you"
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04-17-2024 16:35 by MWC
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I am positive that there isn't life on any other planets ! If there was Trudeau would have sent them money
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04-17-2024 18:15
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Did my taxes and discovered I still owe Ukraine $4000.
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04-18-2024 12:54
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If you see me talking to myself, don't judge us. We're trying to talk ourselves out of doing something stupid.

Did our government only admit to UFO's because we're going to start sending their planets money for aid?

Procrastination really is a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today.

I need to stop talking to myself. I'm a bad influence.

Whatever you got to do today, do it with the confidence of a 4yr old in a Batman cape.

While you're cheering for your favorite NFL team in a publicly funded stadium, how about publicly funding some disadvantaged child's school lunch?

Somethings in life I’ll never understand, like how there could be a group on Facebook called Facebookers Anonymous, thats like walking into an open bar where their holding an AA meeting.
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04-23-2024 16:19
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There are people who think the moon landings were staged, the holocaust never happened and the earth is flat. Yet they hang on every word on the message found inside a fortune cookie.
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04-24-2024 03:40
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Bugs Bunny won't accept files through Google Drive. He'll only accept a WhatsApp doc.
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04-24-2024 07:13
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Those who dismiss progressive rock as being pretentious are most likely part of the crowd that only knows 3 chords.
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04-24-2024 17:19
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I just got a full tank of gas for $22. Granted it was for my lawn mower but I am trying to stay positive.

Likes his own stuff and not funny
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04-26-2024 16:08
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