Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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If a case the Clap spreads,wouldn't it be considered an outbreak of the applause?
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08-11-2023 12:23 by KathyT
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Marriage tip: Let me teach you about dishes. When you come down to the kitchen and see a sink full of dishes, if you're the husband just ignore it! Just let them pile up higher and higher until your wife gets tired of seeing them and does them herself! ðŸ

Arresting someone for saying the elections are rigged just further proves that the elections are rigged.
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08-12-2023 09:11
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There is more than one way to skin a cat but the cat doesn't like any of them.
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08-12-2023 14:45
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Arresting someone for saying the elections are rigged is one thing. Inciting a mob to overthrow an election is another.
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08-12-2023 15:47
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I don't know what I'd do without Instagram there to show me unrealistic photos of women I never see in day to day life.
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08-13-2023 06:56 by Shoresy
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What exactly is meant by a "Digital Creator"? Sharing the same boring memes we've all seen a million times?
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08-13-2023 09:04
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Due to all that's been happening lately, I have no choice but to deduct 2 stars from my original TripAdvisor review of Earth.

The thing with older women is you never know whether you're in the vag or a wrinkle.

Marriage tip: If your wife comes home in a bad mood and starts an argument for no reason like she does from time to time, just use this simple phrase: "My mom was right about you". This usually does the trick and stops the argument.

It's wash day, and we're bringing the Maytag.
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08-15-2023 20:54
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Do you think that Chinese tourists that come here are disappointed when they buy a souvenier and then see where it was made?
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08-16-2023 08:54
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I’m going to start telling women that I’m available for a limited time only in hopes that their shopping instinct kicks in.
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08-16-2023 09:00 by RobbieG
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Marriage tip: When your wife says you're only coming in to get one thing, always grab a cart, because she's lying. Follow me for more marriage advice.

Did anyone ever consider Maybe the Day doesn't like being Seized ?
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08-17-2023 08:28
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Word of the Day: Philantropath (noun). A psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist. (See: Bill Gates).
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08-17-2023 09:43
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Got a call from a Telemarketer, he said he couldn't understand me. I TOLD HIM PRESS 1 FOR ENGLISH AND HUNG UP
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08-17-2023 11:25
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One of my daughter's just asked, "What runs in our family?" The only thing I could think of was "mental illness".
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08-17-2023 14:19
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okes about dyslexia are as easy as A, C, B.
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08-17-2023 14:19
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Help control the pet population, eat at a Chinese restaurant this weekend.
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08-17-2023 14:29
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