Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Diet day 4: If you eat the entire box of donuts, I'm pretty sure that counts as "One Serving"....
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05-10-2023 22:36
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Getting old is tricky. I stepped on a golf ball in the dark and I did some parkour trying not to fall down.
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05-11-2023 17:38
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Y'all don't use paper plates. I'd use a paper pot if I could. F them dishes
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05-13-2023 11:13 by Surhater
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I will restart the entire song if you breathe too loud over my favorite part
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05-13-2023 11:18 by Surhater
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Now accepting applications for the following limited time opening on 5/14/23 for Single Mothers on Mothers Day: - 12pm-3pm Lunch Slot $300.99 - 4pm-7pm Dinner Slot $500.99 - 9pm-12pm Evening Drinks w/Nightcap Slot $800.69 Military discounts available
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05-13-2023 12:57
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Feels like an extrovert stuck in an introvert body

ⓘUser is suspected to be a part of an online drug dealing organisation. Please report any suspicious activity to Discord staff.
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05-14-2023 08:46
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Worried about rising gas prices? Taco Bell and White Castle sell gas for less than $2.

Eli's coming, hide your hocker, Eli's coming, hide your hocker.
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05-15-2023 22:56 by Craik
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Marriage is very simple. The husband is king of the house and the wife obeys his every command.

going to grasp you around you head and blow you. Dandelions are so much fun
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05-16-2023 20:18 by Doreen
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Ends? You call that lunch?
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05-16-2023 20:26 by Dagwood
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You put your face in it and no more zits.
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05-16-2023 20:27 by Craik
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Quick question for the medical professionals, should my blood glucose number be higher or lower than the mileage on my 6-year-old car
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05-17-2023 09:11
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Do you know what happens after 8 tequila shots? Me neither.
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05-17-2023 09:12
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A couple of birds are outside fighting. Wait. They’ve quieted down. There’s a third bird. I think he may be their therapist.
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05-17-2023 09:13
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Question...Does a UFO remain an UFO once you identify it as a UFO?
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05-17-2023 09:14
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Dental appointment tomorrow... Before going, I like to eat taffy, oreos, & pumpkin seeds. It’s makes me feel like I’m getting my money’s worth.
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05-17-2023 09:15
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According to a new study, millennials are waiting longer to have sex. Because, unlike my generation, they have to watch a 30-second ad first.
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05-17-2023 09:17
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Parenting is just putting throw pillows back on the couch every ten minutes until you die.
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05-17-2023 09:19
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