Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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So sick of all the time travel jokes next week.
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04-25-2023 12:08
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Not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty good in bed. I don’t snore, steal covers or pass gas.. and I only pee if something startles me.
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04-25-2023 12:09
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I think sometimes we as humans ask too much of spandex.
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04-25-2023 12:10
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I tried a striptease for my wife last night but it didn’t go well. I got my shirt stuck on my head, and by the time I got the damn thing off, she had left the room.
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04-25-2023 12:12
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Yoga Pants should have a weight limit.
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04-25-2023 12:12
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Today's International Brotherhood of Manhood Tip: If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you’d better be talking about his choice of beer.
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04-25-2023 12:13
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went to the beach and pissed on a jellyfish before it had chance to sting me
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04-25-2023 12:16
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How come when someone is missing the media makes them out to be a saint? Why not just say 'yeah their a jerk but lets find them anyway?'

Gun Control means hitting your target. And so does Anger Management.
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04-25-2023 18:37
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I'm going to start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store.
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04-26-2023 12:42
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Just so we're clear, I have no problem with the LG HDTV community.
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04-28-2023 07:30
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Marriage tip: Ladies, when you're arguing with your spouse, just remind them "one of us is right, and the other one is YOU".

My wife just told me to not let her buy anything at the mall, which is kind of like when a werewolf asks you to chain them to a tree on the night of a full moon.

I’m having an out of money experience.
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04-30-2023 07:18
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Every time I'm about to win an argument with my wife someone wakes me up. .
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04-30-2023 07:53
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I'm sure Even atheists make bargains with God when the toilet water threatens to overflow at a friend’s house.
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04-30-2023 07:53
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Doggie Heaven and Squirrel Hell are the same place.
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04-30-2023 20:13
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Never mix Viagra with Iron Supplements. It will cause you to spin around and point North.
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05-02-2023 06:43
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I'm following around cop cars all day to let them know how it feels.
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05-02-2023 08:22
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Spring is here. I'm so excited, I wet my plants.
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05-02-2023 08:29 by TyC
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