Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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03-26-2023 20:59
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Cops came to my house, accusing my dog of chasing a guy in his Mustang ... I told the cops my dog wouldn't be caught dead driving a Ford
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03-27-2023 04:12
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Marriage tip: If your wife wants to play video games with you, just remind her that the dishwasher makes awesome arcade sounds.

The woman at the tire store told me today to come back in a week and get my nuts re-torqued, without even a hint of a smile on her face
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03-28-2023 09:52
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It’s like my dad always used to say, “Don’t go around acting like the Village idiot.”
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03-28-2023 09:56
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Now that I’m in my 60’s, I suddenly find that I have a talent for breakdancing!. Every time I try to dance, I break something.
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03-28-2023 18:08
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Marriage tip: Women are naturally bad drivers. So, never ever let your wife drive the car. You, as the alpha Male of your household, should stay in the driver's seat and take your family where they need to go safely.

April Fools Day is coming up this Saturday. Look for lots of articles about global warming.
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03-29-2023 09:59
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Everyone criticizes the Salem Witch Trials, but we haven’t had a witch attack in over 350 years.
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03-30-2023 06:06
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I have a concrete strip on my front lawn painted to look like a slip n slide and every summer 10 to 15 kids learn a valuable lesson on it.
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03-30-2023 10:23
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Science fact: a dog extracts more information from smelling a pile of excrement than a human does from reading the Daily Mail.
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03-30-2023 12:45
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When a police car circles around to go after the criminal, how do you know it's a police car? .... It just did a donut
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03-30-2023 19:12 by Eddy
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Disney teaches us to hate stepmothers. PornHub takes a whole different approach.
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03-30-2023 20:10
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Marriage tip: Ladies, keep your husband on his toes by randomly asking him "Are you listening to me?" That way you always have his full attention.

Marriage tip: When you're away from your wife for a night, ignore all of her phone calls. This will cause her to miss you more while you're gone so that she'll love you more when you're home.

I wonder what the part of my brain, that used to store telephone numbers, is doing nowadays.

I love the three little pigs; Bacon, Ham, and Sausage!

Dear women's basketball, your 15 minutes of fame is over. See you in a few years.
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04-04-2023 12:03
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The Lord is my shepherd, He shaves my entire body to make sweaters.
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04-04-2023 14:00
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Guys, when your wife starts a sentence with "when you get a chance", just go ahead and start putting your shoes on. She means now.