Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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If global warming was causing guns to melt, we'd all be driving electric cars within two weeks.
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09-20-2022 08:20
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The Beyond Meat COO was arrested for biting a man’s nose. Once again proving you just can’t beat the real thing.
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09-20-2022 08:21
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50 might be the new 40, but the hundred dollar bill is now the new twenty.
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09-20-2022 08:21
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Been walking like an Egyptian and need to visit a Cairopractor.
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09-20-2022 08:22
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Wife: honey the vacuum isn't Sucking. Husband: Frustrating isn't it.
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09-20-2022 13:55
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If performance-enhancing drugs aren't allowed in sports then why is makeup allowed in beauty contests?
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09-21-2022 07:55
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Quick question: can I breastfeed if I've had implants?
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09-22-2022 11:42
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I wonder what the bees inside Wilma Flintstone's vibrator talked about: "Another fight with Fred? Looks like we're working overtime again."
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09-22-2022 11:43
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If batman and catwoman had a kid it would be batcat or the less popular manwoman.
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09-22-2022 11:46
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My relationship with my cat is like that of a married couple. Basically we fight a lot and never have sex.
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09-22-2022 11:50
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Twenty years ago today I walked across the stage and proudly accepted a diploma from Harvard University, a day I’ll never forget. I was promptly tackled by security and charged with trespassing, but man, what a moment.
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09-22-2022 12:51
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I saw a pigeon open its mouth without making a sound and realized I’d just witnessed a failed coo attempt.
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09-23-2022 06:10
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I can’t walk on water, but I can stagger on alcohol.
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09-23-2022 07:56
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The best way to honor a poor soul who got shot by cops is to smash store windows to get your new Flat Screens and new iPhone 12's
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09-23-2022 07:57
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Not trusting the government does not make you a conspiracy theorist. It makes you a history buff.
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09-25-2022 15:16
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If I subscribe to Amazon Prime, does that mean that I'm "in my prime" ?
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09-26-2022 17:20 by Eddy
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Either the leaves are changing colors or there was something in those brownies...
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09-26-2022 18:31 by Gabe
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Not trying to brag or make anyone jealous, but I can still fit in the same sized gloves I wore in high school...
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09-27-2022 06:43 by Gator
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Growing up is realizing that talking doesn't scare the fish and that Grandpa just wanted you to shut the hell up.
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09-27-2022 20:40
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Toddlers are like wordle, you only get so many tries to figure out what word they’re trying to say
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09-28-2022 06:35
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