Monday Funny Status Messages
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pissed...I started off with a manic Monday, but decided to have a funday instead...but then someone stole the 'n' outta my funday and it's just been a!
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life!!!!
Thinks MONDAY would be a good name for a Pitbull....BAD MONDAY.....BAD
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05-17-2010 08:53
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Sorry Monday but it's over. I am leaving you for Tuesday, please don't be sad.....I have to look to the future....
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05-17-2010 23:50 by Corey C
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got to see someone fall down the stairs while holding hot coffee and a folder full of papers. Best Monday ever.
Mondays! Pro: Start of a fresh new week! Con: It's still Monday!
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05-24-2010 15:10 by geez
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..what makes Monday mornings so tolerable is my favourite mug filled with coffee and familiar faces filled with gossip..
Monday has been calling me and just breathing heavily into the phone until I hang up...
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06-07-2010 12:53 by Joser
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Ahh..Monday, so we meet again... You dirty b*tch
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06-07-2010 14:54
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World Cup fixtures: on Monday Argentina meets Brazil in Cape Town. On Tuesday Spain meets Italy in Johannesburg and on Wednesday England meets France at the AIRPORT !!!
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06-22-2010 10:48
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It's just another Maniac Monday, wish it was Sunday 'cause that's my fun day!
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07-12-2010 09:35
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I don't care if Monday's blue... Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too... Thursday I don't care about you... It's Friday, and I don't have any real plans for this evening...
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07-16-2010 07:21
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Oops they got my order wrong again. I ordered an extra large weekend,hold the Monday. I'll wait in bed until they get it right!
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07-19-2010 06:33 by Bindi
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In addition to Casual Friday, I propose the following: Punch A Coworker Monday, No Pants Tuesday, Drunk At Work Wednesday, and Call In Sick Thursday.
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07-30-2010 15:00
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If you listen very carefully, you can hear Monday sharpening its claws.
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08-01-2010 11:45
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McDonald's will soon be issuing a burger for the monsoon in Pakistan. With every burger purchased they will send a raincoat to each victim of the disaster. The new PAKI MAC will be on sale on Monday.
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08-15-2010 05:06 by Rodders
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Quick!! Someone make a status update about tomorrow being Monday and how you're already counting down the days until the weekend is here...
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08-16-2010 00:07 by DAYAM
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“Hey. What do I do again?” -- Me greeting my boss every Monday morning.
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08-17-2010 21:00
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Why is Monday so far from Friday, but Friday so close to Monday?
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08-22-2010 18:15 by MBH
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"I have to cut down on my friends so I may have to delete some of you". you mean I don't have to read your 'ugh its Monday' or 'blah blah hump day' or 'tgif' posts anymore? Well, let me make a preemptive strike on that.
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09-03-2010 18:35 by Bruno
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