trump Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Trump: I'm not the man I was for 60 years anymore. Reporter: when did you change? Trump: Thursday
←Rate | 10-10-2016 02:08 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump has no political experience. Meanwhile you need 5 years experience for an entry level management position at Chili's.
←Rate | 10-10-2016 05:29 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Meanwhile the Kardashians are busy corrupting our young girls more than Trump and the Clintons put together. We need to take back some moral code in this country before it's too late...
←Rate | 10-10-2016 23:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon ... So .... According to his newly available 2013 tax return .... Trump paid only $40,000,000 in Federal taxes in 2013 ... A stark contrast to the $0.00 that the fake Propagandist News Media forces you to believe he paid.
←Rate | 10-11-2016 17:56 Comments (1)  

   messageicon It's pretty clear now, if it wasn't already, Trump is just a schill to ensure Hillary wins.... This is 'democracy' in action....
←Rate | 10-11-2016 23:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump: Don't judge me on the man I was 10 years ago. But please judge Hillary on the man her husband was 20 years ago.
←Rate | 10-11-2016 23:55 Comments (2)  

   messageicon "Vote for Donald Trump or face nuclear war" - RUSSIA
←Rate | 10-12-2016 23:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon A good way to revoke an endorsement of Donald Trump is to grab it and take it from him without his consent.
←Rate | 10-13-2016 02:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Honk if you Love Trump. Drive into a Tree if you Love Hillary.
←Rate | 10-13-2016 11:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Let's see ...... Trump or Hillary .... After plenty of thought ..... I'm still voting for Pedro ..... After all .... He promises that all of my wildest dreams will come true!!!
←Rate | 10-13-2016 22:12 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump accuses Hilary Clinton of taking performance enhancing drugs for their last debate. Some jokes just write themselves. lol
←Rate | 10-16-2016 03:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Everyone is wondering which White House room Melania Trump plans to turn into a brazilian wax studio.
←Rate | 10-19-2016 06:08 Comments (1)  

   messageicon Why are we surprised? Trump won't even accept the results of his own hairline.
←Rate | 10-20-2016 02:42 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Stop comparing rap lyrics to what Trump said. Now I feel like I can't enjoy 2 Live Crew's music until I know their stance on global warming.
←Rate | 10-20-2016 05:38 Comments (0)  

   messageicon To anyone moving to Canada when Trump is elected President. Can I have first dibs on what you're not taking with you, thanks. . .
←Rate | 10-20-2016 08:52 by JAB Comments (0)  

   messageicon People are so concerned about having to wait to see if Trump will want a recount, but are completely forgetting Bernie's and Gore's recounts. Hillary even started the Obama "birther" movement to end his legitimacy. #hypocrites
←Rate | 10-20-2016 10:13 by @truebeachbabe Comments (1)  

   messageicon Donald Trump wants to keep us in suspense about the survival of our democracy and orderly change of government.... I can't wait!
←Rate | 10-20-2016 17:40 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump should really try harder to get his message out to the younger generations, especially since one of them will eventually be his fourth wife...
←Rate | 10-21-2016 11:58 by eengrms Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hillary bumped into Trump on the way to the White House and she said "Pardon me"...He Replied, "You want another Pardon?"
←Rate | 10-21-2016 12:50 by Jitney Comments (0)  

   messageicon There's like nothing stopping any of us from booking a room at a Trump hotel and canceling 24 hours in advance.
←Rate | 10-22-2016 03:01 Comments (1)  

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