jackson Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon I guess Joe Jackson coulsnt even 'Beat it' to death
←Rate | 06-28-2018 13:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Super bowl sunday is now also known as Janet Jackson appreciation day.
←Rate | 02-03-2019 22:43 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just downloaded the new Samuel L Jackson voice to my Echo, now it wont quit asking me "whats in my wallet"...
←Rate | 09-27-2019 09:09 by SEAN Comments (1)  

   messageicon I have a sore throat, a headache and a dry cough. We all know what that means. I'm never buying weed from Alowishus Jackson again.
←Rate | 03-18-2020 06:20 by Fazzy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Remember laughing at Michael Jackson wearing mask and gloves. Now you all out here looking like you wanna be starting something.
←Rate | 03-25-2020 21:13 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon t's been 11 years since Michael Jackson died. I'm surprised we aren't seeing Jacko impersonators like we see Elvis impersonators.
←Rate | 07-02-2020 08:05 Comments (0)  

   messageicon My mask broke while I was in a store and I felt like Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl.
←Rate | 09-08-2020 10:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't know much of what happened in Judge Jackson's confirmation, but I do know she did not cry and said she liked beer.
←Rate | 03-22-2022 22:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Are we sure Queen Elizabeth's death was "natural causes" and not Reggie Jackson finishing what he started?
←Rate | 09-10-2022 23:15 by @svaldez187 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I can't dance to save my life, but when I step in dog crap, I can moonwalk better than Michael Jackson.
←Rate | 06-15-2024 05:59 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  


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