
Funny Status Messages for this cold weather
Posted by TJ on Wednesday January 8, 2014 @ 12:44 PM
[Tags: toplist, status, humor]

We compiled a list below of the funniest status messages or tweets related to the cold or freezing weather. All Funny Status Messages
  1. 122341 X It's so cold outside that by the time I walked back to the car, the footlong I got at Subway shrunk to a 6 inch. Submitted: 01-22-2013 22:27
  2. 87311 X says Any man that believes women are "the weaker sex" has never tried to reclaim his half of the blankets on a cold winter's night. Submitted: 01-17-2012 22:29
  3. 38891 X It's that time of year again when I don't need the refrigerator to keep the beer cold. Submitted: 12-04-2010 16:15 by ff1241
  4. 19023 X The only thing worse than a cold toilet seat is a warm one. Submitted: 04-09-2010 09:02
  5. 143338 X says I remember back when the media didn't have to invent names like "polar vortex" to tell us that it is cold during winter... Submitted: 01-07-2014 19:53 by styles
  6. 118273 X You know it's cold outside when you go outside and trip over dog poop instead of stepping in it. Submitted: 12-01-2012 23:51 by Mimi
  7. 122294 X It's freezing outside. I hear by declare January Nipple Awareness Month. Submitted: 01-22-2013 08:42 by Gripenfelter
  8. 16004 X currently under the influence of cold and flu medicine...my actions can not be held against me!! Submitted: 03-02-2010 00:22
  9. 43806 X I'm not saying its cold, but I just saw a saber-toothed squirrel chasing after an acorn. Submitted: 01-24-2011 18:49
  10. 45847 X is You know it's cold outside when during rush hour you get the mitten instead of the finger. Submitted: 02-09-2011 21:27
  11. 82397 X It's so cold out, my nipples got to work 5 minutes before I did. Brrr... Submitted: 12-08-2011 16:50 by bdog987
  12. 118185 X is It's so cold out the hookers downtown are charging 20 bucks to blow on your hands. Submitted: 11-30-2012 16:02 by StonerDudee
  13. 122296 X says OH NO! It is January and cold outside. Has the world gone mad? Submitted: 01-22-2013 09:24
  14. 73429 X I think I might be coming down with a "woman cold", it's sorta like a "man cold", but somehow I can manage to clean, do laundry, and take care of myself. Submitted: 10-03-2011 09:30
  15. 42778 X is We are in for such a cold winter this year that the squirrels are collecting more nuts than usual and so far 3 of my neighbors have disappeared, Are you all OK? Submitted: 01-12-2011 19:46 by shoesy
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