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   messageicon I have my doubts about all these new "smart waters" considering how easily they were captured and bottled
←Rate | 05-10-2019 12:39 by Mylez Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nothing you can ever accomplish will make your parents any happier than the first time you slept through the night.
←Rate | 06-11-2019 06:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Restaurant toilets are so dangerous. So many of my dates have gone there and never some back.
←Rate | 07-12-2019 09:11 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If anyone sees that woman drying her bra by holding it out of the car window please tell her I love her
←Rate | 08-08-2019 06:07 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Anyone who doesn't request unlimited salad and breadsticks as their last meal is an idiot
←Rate | 08-21-2019 15:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon "How many hipsters does it take to change a light bulb?" "It's a really obscure number, you probably haven't heard of it."
←Rate | 08-25-2019 16:18 Comments (0)  

   messageicon For next season’s “survivor” series, let’s get 16 politicians and force them to live on minimum wage.
←Rate | 10-01-2019 04:50 by Crewzey Comments (0)  

   messageicon Less than two weeks until Canadian Thanksgiving. Better start marinating the beaver.
←Rate | 10-02-2019 05:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon There should be a reality TV show where anti-capitalist millennials are questioned about what kind of government they want and then sent to a country that closely resembles their version as closely as possible and forced to live there for a few months.
←Rate | 12-18-2017 06:57 Comments (5)  

   messageicon the coronavirus pandemic taught me that life is short and politicians are willing to make it shorter
←Rate | 04-28-2021 11:50 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I think I have this figured out .... politicians are a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for the rich people by telling the poor people that the "Other" rich people are the reason they are poor.
←Rate | 11-20-2016 13:01 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you think about it, isn't egg salad really chicken salad?
←Rate | 03-30-2017 11:10 by Me E Comments (1)  

   messageicon When my pc crashes, I go to the guy with the most action figures in his cubicle for help.
←Rate | 03-22-2017 23:22 Comments (4)  

   messageicon I just spilled my protein shake all over myself and all I’m saying is a donut would never do this to me.
←Rate | 09-17-2020 07:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Even looking at LinkedIn's logo can result in an unsolicited email.
←Rate | 12-05-2017 06:19 by Kisstopher707 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Half my Facebook friends have just become immigration lawyers within the past week!
←Rate | 06-20-2018 18:04 by JeffW Comments (0)  

   messageicon A homeless guy asked me for money today and I thought, sure, he’s probably just gonna spend it on booze and cigarettes. Then I remembered, that’s what I was gonna do, so we walked to the store together.
←Rate | 02-22-2017 07:38 by Anon Comments (0)  

   messageicon From the size of the crowd I would say wrong again .
←Rate | 06-19-2019 15:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Better vote right on all the left stuff and left on all the right stuff every ten minutes. I’m extremely immature.
←Rate | 11-17-2017 02:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon The misuse of users’ Facebook data has caused Mark Zuckerberg significant emotional distress. He asks that you respect his privacy during this challenging time.
←Rate | 03-23-2018 12:03 Comments (1)  

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