Forget Trump - Funny Status Messages that are not about Trump

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   messageicon Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery's dead??
←Rate | 04-07-2011 19:35 by SHARPIE Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wonder what would happen if I walked through Sea World with a fishing pole...
←Rate | 04-07-2011 19:31 by SHARPIE Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Mr underccover police car, I like your 5 extra antennas.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 19:23 by SHARPIE Comments (0)  

   messageicon wondering if the goverment shuts down does that mean we will no longer have to pay taxes?t
←Rate | 04-07-2011 19:15 by Jamin Comments (0)  

   messageicon When the Zombies rise, you will be safe. They like to eat brains, and clearly you do not have any!!!!
←Rate | 04-07-2011 19:10 Comments (0)  

   messageicon wondering if the White house will have a going out of business sale?
←Rate | 04-07-2011 18:48 by Jamin Comments (0)  

   messageicon Want to see Congress meet the budget deadline? Lion cages with doors set to release at 12AM. Lock all the doors. Watch the cooperation.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 18:47 by @jasoncolvin_ Comments (0)  

   messageicon Everytime a politician says, "my friends on the other side of the aisle," God kills a kitten.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 18:44 by @jasoncolvin_ Comments (0)  

   messageicon wishing he had a million dollars so he could buy you a fur coat, but not a real fur coat . that would cruel.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 18:42 by jamine Comments (0)  

   messageicon God grant me the serenity to accept that My Kids will always Drive me Crazy; courage to change their evil ways when I can; and wisdom to know When to walk away So I Wont ring Their neck
←Rate | 04-07-2011 18:03 Comments (0)  

   messageicon worst pain ever!.... just slipped, did the splits, and ripped my gooch!
←Rate | 04-07-2011 17:51 by taterbosalad Comments (0)  

   messageicon Our school is attempting to be active in eliminating bullying. I began a conversation with students about the saying, "Sticks and stones make break my bones..." One of my students finished the saying with "but chains and whips excite me!" Wow. Thank you,
←Rate | 04-07-2011 16:28 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Remember the tea kettle, though up to its neck in hot water, it continues to sing.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 16:14 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey Facebook, if I have 75 friends in common with someone and we're still not friends, it means I don't like them. Take a hint.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 16:07 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not cranky, I just have a violent reaction to stupid people.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 16:07 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't believe in neither the Democratic party nor the Republican party. I just believe in parties.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 16:00 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I don't have my budget balanced by tomorrow, I am just going to shut down...
←Rate | 04-07-2011 15:55 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Love many, trust few, and learn to paddle your own canoe.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 15:52 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I just sneezed so hard I think I opened a time portal.
←Rate | 04-07-2011 15:51 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon If weed was ever legalized, I can't wait to see the commercials...
←Rate | 04-07-2011 15:50 by Marshall the Great Comments (1)  

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