Marshall the Great Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Keep it up and you will die pretty early in the book I'm writing.
←Rate | 05-17-2012 16:52 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Scientists have now confirmed that aliens do exist and in fact could be living next door to you as humans. So I shot the hot woman who just moved in next door 'cause her ass was definitely outta this world.
←Rate | 05-17-2012 14:59 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Know your limitations, people. Sometimes certain body cavities just won't stretch that far.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:37 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon If it's a lady, I like to speak quickly in the drive-thru at Burger King by saying: "I have a Whopper!" When they ask: "what would you like on it?" YOU!
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:32 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't understand why you're mad. I used YOUR name as my password, honey! :) Who cares if the "hint" to retrieve it is ....BlTCH?
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:29 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon WTF is with the "poke" suggestions on Facebook? I just poked TWO guys, thinking that THEY poked ME first?
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:26 by Marshall the Great Comments (1)  

   messageicon With all the talent in America it looks like they could have found someone with it to host and judge the show...
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:21 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon People come in many colors. Orange should not be one of them.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 22:20 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Desperate for sex I headed to the local club and immediately started chatting to the 1st girl I saw and got right to the point. "Hey beautiful, how do you like your eggs in the morning?" "Unfertilized." she replied.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 18:12 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Bacon pie crust. Does that exist? Because if it doesn't I think I'm going to be a millionaire.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 18:06 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey guys, if you wanna know if your new girl is keepin' up with her "womanscaping"... take a look at her feet. If they look like an eagle's talons, run... run hard and run fast. You're Welcome. :)
←Rate | 05-16-2012 18:04 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Everything happens for a reason. - What I say when I put my foot up so far up your ass you'll be sneezing toenails.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:59 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sittin' in the Dr.'s office next to the "turn off cell phone" sign using my phone to share this with you. Because, yeah... that's how I f*ckin' roll. :)
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:24 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's funny how the things I like most on a woman are the things I like most on chickens....... "Legs and breast."
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:22 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon "I'm sorry, baby, I just have a lot on my plate right now." - Me breaking up with my girlfriend at Old Country Buffet
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:20 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Spare the rod, spoil the child? Um, no thanks. That sounds gross. How about I just keep using my rod to spoil these lovely ladies? (^^,)
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:18 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just spilled coffee on my crotch. Now I have a hot rod.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:14 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon My girlfriend went out for drinks with the girls from her work... Can't wait for her to get back and tell me EVERYTHING that's wrong with me.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 17:05 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Politicians don't wanna scare you, they wanna keep you stupid. Fear is just the smell when ignorance takes a sh!t.
←Rate | 05-16-2012 16:57 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon To the person who put those three stupid messages using my ID... Your m0m's 0rg@sm face looks scary...
←Rate | 05-16-2012 16:55 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

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