jrbirk Funny Status Messages
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Happy Earth Day. I'm doing my part by vacuuming all of the dirt out of my car and putting it back on the ground where it belongs.
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04-22-2013 11:47 by jrbirk
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Now that healthcare is guaranteed, I'm frying everything I eat.
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06-29-2012 14:20 by jrbirk
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I'm selling Royal Wedding barf bags for anyone else who is nauseous from seeing every sickening detail on TV.
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04-27-2011 09:17 by jrbirk
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Happy St Patrick's Day, the day when everybody gets together and pretends they're Irish. Except the Irish -- they pretend they're sober.
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03-17-2011 10:00 by jrbirk
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Here's something that could revolutionize St. Patrick's Day -- green Pepto-Bismol.
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03-17-2011 10:01 by jrbirk
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Apparently Anthony Weiner has too many photos of his junk to keep track of..
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06-03-2011 10:05 by jrbirk
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We are $14 trillion in debt. To understand how much money that is, imagine grocery shopping at Whole Foods every day of the month.
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07-28-2011 12:06 by jrbirk
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Facebook stock continues to lose value, in fact it's so bad, hundreds of farmville farms are going into foreclosure.
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05-29-2012 13:08 by jrbirk
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Oh, come on.. Who among us hasn't checked African American on an application?
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06-16-2015 21:33 by jrbirk
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Decided to clean the kitchen this morning, started with the last of the rum cake. Cleaned that right up. Decided that was enough cleaning for today..
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03-06-2012 11:46 by jrbirk
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Last week the people who wanted to delay Obamacare were called legislative arsonists and terrorists who were holding the country hostage. This week they’re called Democrats
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10-24-2013 19:57 by jrbirk
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Friends don't let friends decorate drunk!
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12-05-2011 14:18 by jrbirk
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I'm ready to get lost on vacation somewhere Sean Penn wont even be able to find me.
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01-11-2016 13:00 by jrbirk
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You're Now Aware That You Can't Say.. "IRISH WRISTWATCH"
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03-17-2013 09:49 by jrbirk
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President Obama recently released his tax returns. It turns out he made $900,000 less in 2011 then he did in 2010. You know what that means? Even Obama is doing worse under President Obama.
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04-16-2012 21:51 by jrbirk
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Starbucks is now offering something called the duffin. If you havent heard, it's a combination of a donut and a muffin. Who says America has lost its exceptionalism?
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10-10-2013 13:07 by jrbirk
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I have heard of videos going viral, but now it hurts when I pee..
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08-26-2013 11:07 by jrbirk
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How in the Hell does Hillary Clinton get a concussion when she's been ducking everything??
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12-19-2012 17:41 by jrbirk
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Obama was just on the air and clearly read from his teleprompter that he will now put his full concentration into the issue of JOBS! (for the 19th time).
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07-24-2013 14:16 by jrbirk
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If they take the fighting out of hockey, that's it! I'm still not watching it..
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01-27-2012 20:18 by jrbirk
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