Truman Funny Status Messages
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It seems only yesterday, my dear old mum telling me to wash my food before eating it! A lovely woman, but terrible sandwiches!
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02-02-2019 02:22 by Truman
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I think it is just terrible and disgusting how everyone has treated Lance Armstrong, especially after what he achieved winning 7 Tour De France races while on drugs. When I was on drugs, I couldn't even find my bike.
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03-19-2013 23:12 by truman
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My wife brought home a tub of ice-cream and asked if I wanted some. "How hard is it?" I asked. She cheekily replied, "As hard as you when you're thinking about me naked!". I said "Go on then, pour me a glass."
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09-06-2018 01:21 by Truman
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Was kind of surprised at all the swearing when I unplugged the church organ to charge my phone?
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02-21-2019 01:37 by Truman
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Because of Shania Twain I haven't been impressed much since 1997.
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02-02-2019 06:39 by Truman
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If the B in LGTB stands for Bi doesn't that mean there are only two genders?
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09-15-2018 20:04 by Truman
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I would pay so much money to watch the Harlem Globetrotters change a baby!
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12-02-2018 10:15 by Truman
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It's not so much that I love karate as that I hate wooden - planks!
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09-14-2018 10:27 by Truman
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Would it be legal to have a VERY loud duck-call in place of the more conventional car-horn..if it was operated in the same way?
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09-26-2018 03:53 by Truman
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I, put commas, in, weird places, so that you, read my jokes, like, William Shatner!
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10-02-2018 02:56 by Truman
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The downside of fame! I can't walk out of a nice restaurant without immediately being harassed and hounded by a waiter waving a bill?
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02-02-2019 06:34 by Truman
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I'll bet people with Tourette's make awful anatomy teachers!!
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07-31-2018 18:29 by Truman
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I went to view a house on a Native American reservation!
"I like it" I said "Does it come with running water?"
"Go to Hell Paleface" He replied.."Get your own wife!"
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07-31-2018 09:22 by Truman
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If you don't have your Florida ID with you on voting day, you can always show them a photo of yourself wearing a tank top to a funeral.
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04-03-2020 07:13 by Truman
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"How about a scarf?" - Johnny Depp's stylist every day!
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08-17-2020 08:39 by Truman
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I remember going to see Dr Hook in the 80s.
Worst prostate exam ever!! 😲
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11-25-2018 06:32 by Truman
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I can drive a woman wild with my tongue!
I say..‘Have you put weight on?’
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09-18-2018 16:41 by Truman
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I bet kangaroos get tired of holding all of their friend's keys and phones while they're at the beach?
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10-24-2018 16:02 by Truman
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“Did you check your pockets?” - to a kangaroo who’s lost a child!
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09-24-2018 17:55 by Truman
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Twerking and selfie have been officially added to the dictionary. Future and Optimism have been removed.
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10-23-2013 20:48 by Truman
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