Gabe Funny Status Messages
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About to pull these steaks off the grill. It's my neighbor's grill, but he went inside and I don't think he can see me...
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01-20-2020 09:01 by Gabe
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No need for me to storm Area 51... I've been to Walmart...
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07-19-2019 10:06 by Gabe
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Becoming skinny this summer is cancelled due to the virus. Pass the cupcakes...
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03-27-2020 09:10 by Gabe
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Some of you all went from homemade, natural, all organic cleaning products to Clorox real fast...
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03-12-2020 08:39 by Gabe
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I feel like I'm watching a tv show called "Lockdown Got Talent" because this lockdown has people thinking they're gym instructors, chefs, dancers, etc...
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07-06-2020 19:32 by Gabe
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Sometimes I put my car in neutral at stoplights and roll back a little so people will think I drive a manual...
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11-03-2018 16:14 by Gabe
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For the first time since 1945, the Scripps National Spelling Bee has been cancul... cancill... cansi... called off.
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05-29-2020 08:57 by Gabe
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After visiting the gov't healthcare site, I don't know why I was so worried about their ability to spy on me...
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10-05-2013 10:54 by Gabe
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So. I don't see you for months and now you pop up and expect me to take care of you?? OK, fine. I'll start up the mower....stupid grass...
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03-31-2012 12:49 by Gabe
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I discovered that growing up in the '60's was more fun than being in my 60's...
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05-26-2019 20:11 by Gabe
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Me: "Hey Siri, why do I always mess things up with women?" Her: "My name is ALEXA..."
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10-21-2020 08:15 by Gabe
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Everyone talking about Pelosi ripping up Trump's speech, but we've all done questionable things when we were that drunk...
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02-05-2020 09:48 by Gabe
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Some angry woman with road rage just yelled out her car window "I'm gonna make your life a living hell!" I yelled back "Thanks, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now..."
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10-10-2020 21:38 by Gabe
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Amazon just broke up with New York... on Valentine's Day...
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02-14-2019 15:12 by Gabe
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I am giving up drinking for a month. Sorry, that came out wrong... I am giving up. Drinking for a month.
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12-22-2019 15:13 by Gabe
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I do crunches twice a day now. Captain in the morning and Nestle in the afternoon...
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01-16-2020 14:09 by Gabe
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In World Cup news, the England team visited an orphanage in Brazil today. "It's heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope," said Jose, age 6...
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06-14-2014 13:33 by Gabe
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Cops just left. They said if I want to walk around my house naked, I have to do it inside...
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02-15-2020 09:32 by Gabe
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Don't come to me for advice. We'll just end up at the liquor store...
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09-10-2020 12:20 by Gabe
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I want so bad to post a Kim and Kanye joke, but it would be off color and in the wrong direction...
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06-22-2013 10:51 by Gabe
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