mds Funny Status Messages
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..nothing up here, try further down the page.
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01-05-2013 10:28 by MDS
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A box 5 lb. box of chocolates: $40, Valentines Day card: $3.75, not being yelled at for 35 minutes until the chocolate is gone: priceless!
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02-13-2014 07:41 by mds
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I was looking out the window when my wife asked what I was staring at. I mumbled, "Must be about 32C out there..." is that the temperature? she asked "No! the neighbor lady is sunbathing topless" I replied
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07-18-2013 22:55 by MDS
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*REMEMBER ...Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club and a spade.
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04-14-2013 17:05 by MDS
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My wife gets really annoyed when I make sexual requests. The other night, I asked her if we could try the 'praying mantis' position and she tore my head off
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04-28-2013 11:39 by MDS
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Remember the theme song from the Adams family?.. trust me, you will all day ;) dabba-da-bump *snap*snap
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10-19-2012 08:00 by MDS
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My doctor said that jogging could add years to my life. I didn't believe him at first, but I went this afternoon and I feel ten years older already
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04-26-2013 17:09 by MDS
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Nelson Mandela is dead. he has done some simply stunning things in his lifetime, my favorite was his performance as Red in Shawshank Redemption.
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12-05-2013 17:47 by MDS
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my wife got mad at me because I ate all six Klondike bars, but it's only obvious that she wasn't willing to do what it took to get one ;)
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08-15-2013 21:44 by MDS
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He came hopping out of nowhere... I nearly spilled my beer, while I was driving along texting with the radio cranked up. Suddenly, I seen a flash of gray followed up with a "thump-thump!" Anyway Happy Easter! Sorry if you didn't get anything, my bad.
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03-27-2016 09:20 by MDS
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Whenever my son questions my knowledge on any subject, I just remind him that I'm older than the Internet.
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04-26-2013 07:40 by MDS
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Justin Bieber's music is actually really good!...Once you turn the volume down all the way.
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04-07-2013 18:20 by MDS
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The US is ranked 25th in math scores...this isn't any surprise to me, our elected leaders can't even ballance a budget.
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04-23-2012 07:27 by MDS
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'Nelson Mandela dies at 95' Respect where it's due... That's 5 miles an hour faster than Paul Walker!
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12-05-2013 17:51 by MDS
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*Breaking News: North Korea's scientists claim to have developed a time machine. Translation: They figured out how to make a clock.
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04-14-2013 13:06 by MDS
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Apparently there was a big misunderstanding yesterday, between me and the cute little Japanese girl that was cutting my hair. as I explained to the officer, How was I suppose to know what she meant when she asked me if I'd like a "brow job".
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05-22-2013 07:59 by MDS
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Men have "The Man Cave", but, when polled what the female version should be called the #1 answer was "The Maxie Pad" with "The Kitchen" and "The Laundry Room" coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively
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07-03-2012 10:29 by MDS
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I walked out to get the newspaper this morning and the neighbor had already picked his up.
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02-10-2013 08:21 by MDS
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Winds up to 108 mph, structural damage, flying debris, massive depression, icy blasts, communication difficulties, untold misery and suffering...sure is making this texting while driving a real challenge.
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02-13-2014 07:56 by mds
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Waking up to Monday is kinda like the Mayans being right.
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01-14-2013 07:30 by MDS
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