SuthernFukr Funny Status Messages
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Probably drank too much coffee this morning. Probably drank too much. Probably too much coffee. Drank too much. Coffee. Probably.
I really wanna say "let's set up a perimeter," but I really don't want to be in a situation where I'd have to.
Never fight anyone who bows to you first.
Just told my Secret Santa I murdered a plumber in Vermont in 1995 or is that not how it works?
I don't know why I should learn Algebra. I'm never likely to go there.
Sometimes, the best kind of birth control is just good lighting.
If there was an award for most pessimistic, I probably wouldn't even be nominated.
Just so you know, when you repeat what you just said I won't be listening then either.
We Cant Be Together. It's not you, it's me. I can't be with someone who sucks.
Bacon. The word alone deserves its own status.
If an athlete's photographed with a bong it's an embarrassment; if he's photographed with a beer it's an endorsement.
The LIKE button: also for choosing sides in a Facebook argument without saying anything.
I bet guys named Matt who take yoga classes get picked on a lot.
In the dark, it takes several minutes to find the hole and stick it in. Stupid phone charger.
I imagine rolling around in money feels a lot better when it's not coins
My hometown is great for sightseeing if you want to see the People of Walmart in their natural habitat.
Took a career aptitude test. My results: sports team mascot, bridge troll, sign twirler, petting zoo sh!t shoveler.
Turns out they'll sell a wizard hat to just anybody!
The world would be a much cleaner place if we just gave blind people brooms instead of canes.
I just read a list of "100 things to do before you die." I'm surprised "yell for help" didn't make the list.
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