olemissman79 Funny Status Messages
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just asked if I wanted to contribute money to help ease the political unrest in Egypt.... For some reason I just can't get passed my initial worry that this could turn out to be a Pyramid Scheme

preshents to you the ballishtic missile shubmarine Red October

Christmas is the time of year when we want our pasts forgotten and our presents remembered!

finally reached the Apex of Standardized Suckitude

1 day of coal for 364 of fun... I'll take my chances

born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

thinks our exit strategy for Iraq should involve "leaving" through Iran

used to be legit. He was too legit. He was too legit to quit... but now he's not legit. He's unlegit. And for that reason, he must quit.

just given murderous primatives the power of fire!

On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer, On VISA!!! Christmas shopping time.
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