Kalleygirl Funny Status Messages
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Accidentally went grocery shopping hungry and now I'm the proud owner of isle 6...
Just got an email saying "want to see Taylor Swift Live"? I thought it was a ransom demand....
Anal bleaching... Because some a**holes need to lighten up.
In the event of a nuclear war, the only things that will survive are roaches . Which means US should still have a functioning government
Look all I'm saying is that if it was not meant to be eaten, it wouldn't be shaped like a taco..
My vacuum cleaner doesn't suck as much as it used to, it must have gotten married.
The other day I saw a sign at the hospital that said "Family Planning" use rear entrance and I thought to myself that's great advice...
The only exercise some people ever get is: running their mouths, jumping to conclusions & pushing their luck.
Just because it's called make-up... doesn't mean it's supposed to makeup 99% of your face.
Apparently putting alka seltzers in my pockets while getting baptized and pretending I'm possessed by the devil is not funny.
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