Delores Disenchanted Funny Status Messages
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What's the difference between a bagel and a $lutty fat chick? One's a roll with a hole. The other is a hole with a roll.
I've noticed that the number of "likes" for intelligent quotes, exponentially jumps during the hours that Elementary school is in session, and after the 8:30 pm milk and cookies before bed ritual.
So if someone invites you to their wedding, it's apparently bad form to say "Sorry I can't make it but I'll come to your next one".
Presidential Election 2012. Herman Cain Vs. Barack Obama Better known as Cain vs Unable.
Tonight's dinner was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I made it using the recommended serving amounts indicated on the jars. Who came up with these Ethiopian?
Hi. I just had a complete makeover. Hair, nails, makeup, boob$ etc. Bought all new clothes to fit my new size 3 figure. All this just so I can attract another a$$hole.
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