Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon Let's be honest: The refugees being detained at JFK airport have gone through more vetting than Donald Trump's cabinet.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 15:28 Comments (2)  

   messageicon We are building a fence and I'm gonna make my neighbors pay for it.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 14:23 by Smeebert Comments (0)  

   messageicon What bothers me most about liberal women, is that none of them are hot enough to be this stupid.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 13:15 by Mickey Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump is not my president, neither was Obama. I am from Zimbabwe.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 10:36 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Iran bans on all Americans from entering their country. So much for my "Tehran Endless Beach Tour". Sandy beaches, everywhere, as far as the eye can see. So sad.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 05:23 by JiffyPop Comments (0)  

   messageicon Apparently America has a very difficult time understanding and differentiating between the simple terms "Legal" and "Illegal."
←Rate | 01-29-2017 01:58 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Considering it's climate and geographical location, I am surprised at the incredible amount and gigantic volume of Snowflakes there are in California!!!
←Rate | 01-29-2017 01:53 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I think a true warrior for Women's rights would be fighting for the voices and rights of those millions of Unborn Women.
←Rate | 01-29-2017 01:44 Comments (1)  

   messageicon Why would anyone in the United States oppose an actual investigation into Voter Fraud? As William Shakespear once wrote .... "Methinks thou dost protesteth too much!"
←Rate | 01-29-2017 01:38 Comments (0)  

   messageicon President Donald Trump will sign an executive order tomorrow to bring back Pluto as a planet. Make the universe GREAT again.
←Rate | 01-28-2017 21:04 by ianbuckeye Comments (0)  

   messageicon America what is wrong with you?
←Rate | 01-28-2017 17:13 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Irony is their king is the biggest snowflake of all!
←Rate | 01-28-2017 16:55 Comments (0)  

   messageicon How soon can we start building a wall around California?
←Rate | 01-28-2017 16:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon What's the difference between a druggist and a drug dealer? One sells drugs LEGALLY. What's the difference between an immigrant who came to the US lawfully, and one who snuck in? One's here LEGALLY. See?
←Rate | 01-28-2017 15:15 by Mickey Comments (0)  

   messageicon I took my ex out last night, it only took one punch! :)
←Rate | 01-28-2017 14:02 by trickz100 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Anyone ever notice the pro abortion crowd looks like they never "get any" in the first place?
←Rate | 01-28-2017 12:51 by Clem Diddlyiscious Comments (1)  

   messageicon Waiter, bring me a bowl of turtle soup and make it snappy.
←Rate | 01-28-2017 11:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Pay no attention to anything I say when I'm drunk..or sober..or any other time.
←Rate | 01-28-2017 10:12 Comments (0)  

   messageicon What's with all the lame Obama jokes now? He's not been President for over a week. He's gone.....
←Rate | 01-28-2017 05:06 Comments (1)  

   messageicon You know what they say, once ya go black ..... you become a single parent
←Rate | 01-28-2017 01:26 by snigly Comments (0)  

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