bego Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Phones get thinner and smarter, and people?! We get fatter and stupid.
←Rate | 12-30-2011 22:42 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon doing something weird and thinking, this is why I'm not in a relationship.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 21:32 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm pretty sure the best thing about Facebook is the ability to read other people's fights.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 21:32 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Don't feel to high & mighty about yourself sweetheart, cause at the end of the day, your still like a penny ` two faced & worthless.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 21:30 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nothing like sitting back and watching the people who stabbed you in the back fall apart.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 19:15 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon HOW can dogs sniff out bombs, save a guy from drowning, keep you from walking into traffic, but CANT figure out how to UNWRAP themselves from around a tree!
←Rate | 12-29-2011 19:01 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Most relationships fail not because the absence of love, but because girls love to much and guys love to many.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 18:58 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Good girls get presents at Christmas. Bad girls get presents all year long.
←Rate | 12-29-2011 18:55 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do you remember your parents telling you when you were bad, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" Those were the good ole' days
←Rate | 12-28-2011 21:46 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Teenage: have time & energy but no money Working age: have money & energy but no time Old age: have time & money but no energy! ~
←Rate | 12-28-2011 21:38 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I poke you on Facebook and you poke me back does that mean we just had Facebook sex? & if I poke you and you didn't want to be poked did I just rape your page?
←Rate | 12-28-2011 19:51 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Im the type of person who enjoys making people: cringe, blush, and shake their head when reading my status!
←Rate | 12-28-2011 19:49 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon For Sale: 1 Heart. Horrible condition. I don't care what you do with it, just rip it out of my chest and take away this pain.
←Rate | 12-27-2011 23:07 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Romantic films are known to ruin relationships as they give unrealistic expectations to women about what to expect from men. Porn has the same effect on men.
←Rate | 12-27-2011 22:08 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Some people don't poop, crap just comes out of their mouth 24/7.
←Rate | 12-27-2011 21:27 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey mom?” “WHAT!?” “Nevermind you`re not in a good mood.
←Rate | 12-27-2011 21:26 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Only a few more days until those “yo, 2012 is about to be my year” status updates..
←Rate | 12-27-2011 21:24 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Haters, ╭∩╮ º.º ╭∩╮ Sincerely, Me.
←Rate | 12-27-2011 17:26 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon There are a few people I know whose birth certificates should be considered an apology letter to the world!
←Rate | 12-27-2011 17:17 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Single.. because my ex was such a loser..
←Rate | 12-27-2011 17:16 by BEGO Comments (0)  

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