eaglet1122 Funny Status Messages
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I am rotating the tire on my unicycle!
wonders if birds have a national MAYDAY sytem in place when they know their going to crash?!?!
I think the only people that can use a disposable razor and NOT cut themselves are people that have been to prison!
Q: What does an elephant use for tampons? A: Sheep
I just returned a Rug Dr to Lowes. When asked if it worked ok I responded, "Yep got up all the blood and evidence as promised. I would recommend it to anyone"!
streaming Netflix's through a Blackberry tandem modem. Please don't call. The good part is coming up!!
Has a theory: If grocery stores just paint the cart returns with handicap blue and build it out of curbing. Then everyone would put their buggies there!
AD for PAPER DELIVERY PERSON: Must like early mornings, must own beater car/truck with squealing breaks and NO muffler or sound supression what so ever!! Ability to drive with one knee a plus!!
*disclamer* no animals were harmed in the crafting of this status update. Stunt doubles were substituted and all theories were tested on a closed course.
I have just finished my thesis: "Pyrotechnics Lead to prosthetics". Keep all your digits safe! Happy 4th!!
Change is good..especially if you wear diapers!
Today I made sushi at home for the first time. I subsituted a hotdog for the raw tuna, a bun for the rice, and mustard for the wasabi!
I want to tell you about my dream last night. I don't understand it. It was Greek to me....Έχετε λάβει η στιγμή να μεταφράσει αυτό το όνειρο; έχετε ανάγκη από βοήθεια.
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