MIchael Funny Status Messages
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Being that we can't see the Bin Ladin Video... can we reroll the Bill an Monica video.
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05-04-2011 17:34 by michael
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offensive and creative like handicap porn…
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04-11-2011 10:44 by Michael
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President Obama's approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States.
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04-06-2011 11:20 by Michael
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I was just reading the bible and it came to my attention that is is the man's job to make the coffee in the morning... HeBrews
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04-04-2011 13:07 by Michael
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It's March 4th. I like today's date because it's like I'm telling people what to do.
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03-04-2011 09:33 by Michael
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A BYU basketball player dismissed for premarital sex. I knew mormons were not supposed to have coffee or tea. I had no idea Tang was off limits
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03-03-2011 18:05 by Michael
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So after watching the hilarious interview I feel closer to Charlie Sheen because have a lot in common. Tiger blood and Adonis DNA..
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03-02-2011 08:26 by michael
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Quit while you're ah
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02-17-2011 17:21 by Michael
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Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?
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02-09-2011 10:26 by Michael
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Just remember... If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
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02-03-2011 10:09 by Michael
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Bravo Taco Bell for your beefesque product. Even if it is only 35% well I say just eat 3 of them ...to get 105%
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01-28-2011 08:43 by michael
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Some of the ingredients of Taco Bell meat "filler" isolated oat product, soybean based anti dusting agent and silicon dioxide (better known by it's street name sand). It's like your mouth has gone to the beach to take a vacation from meat.
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01-28-2011 08:42 by michael
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More people die of car accidents with a Deer than getting killed by terrorists. Maybe we should have them put on the al qaeda watch list.
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01-21-2011 16:52 by michael
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off to the printer to have my new t-shirts made. I've got, “I beat anorexia” shirts to sell to fat people and, “I beat obesity” shirts to sell to skinny people.
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01-18-2011 10:42 by Michael
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So today I have to write my review for work. What's the best way to put, “I golfed over 200 rounds this last summer while you paid me to be at my office?”
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01-15-2011 14:06 by Michael
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My advice for the day: If you have a headache, do what it says on the Advil bottle: Take two, and KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
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01-12-2011 16:24 by Michael
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79% of accidents happen in the home.... Finally, good news for the homeless....
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01-09-2011 14:41 by Michael
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If I was two faced, do you think I'd be wearing this one?
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01-07-2011 14:31 by Michael
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Had a cold this morning so I took an Aleve-D and washed it down with an AMP energy drink. Judging by the way I feel, I am fairly certain my body converted to two into meth!
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12-28-2010 09:13 by Michael
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Since when does 3-6 inches of snow draw the need for a winter storm warning? Back when I was a kid, we just called that winter.
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12-03-2010 10:33 by Michael
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