bego Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon When I call my parents, and they don't answer it's no big deal but when they call me and I don't answer it's like World War II.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:19 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I was a cop and I pulled over a drunk driver, I would make them do the Macarena as their sobriety test.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:18 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Don't be mad when someone else starts to appreciate the person you took for granted. What you won't do, someone else will .
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:17 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just ran over my neighbor's cat, but I left a note saying "Curiosity was here" I'm probably safe, right?
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:16 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Driving a rental car means never knowing the safest place to wipe a booger without haphazardly finding someone else's.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:15 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Excuse me miss, you've got a little bit of face on your makeup there.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:14 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon My girlfriend just texted me saying, "I want you to get me all wet when I get home ;)" So I got 15 water balloons ready.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:13 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Skinny= Anorexic Thick= Obese. Virgin= Too good. Non-Virgin= Slut. Friendly= Fake. Quiet= Rude. It seems like you can never please society
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:12 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Free samples shouldn't be limited to grocery stores...How can I be sure this Fifth of Scotch is worth the $10 without a quick chug?!?
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:11 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon You say: "I now pronounce you man and wife". I hear: "FINISH HIM!!" (Mortal Combat music blasting)
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:11 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Facebook needs a "Meh" button.
←Rate | 06-14-2012 22:10 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you're not in love right now, you're wasting valuable time!
←Rate | 06-14-2012 10:42 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Some girls are like community colleges... Even if you're not the smartest guy, you probably still get in.
←Rate | 06-13-2012 22:43 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't know why beer companies bother with an expiration date... it's never going to make it anywhere near that.
←Rate | 06-13-2012 22:41 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Never judge a book by its cover, UNLESS the word Twilight is written on it... then you know it's s$it.
←Rate | 06-13-2012 22:31 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Got a problem with me? Solve it. Think I'm trippin? Tie my shoes. Can't stand me? Sit back down. Can't face me? Turn around.
←Rate | 06-13-2012 22:29 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear guys wearing skinny jeans, I... Can't.... Breathe.... Sincerely, your damn balls.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 22:11 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I've learned anything from listening to world news, it's that the world is full of countries I've never even heard of.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 22:09 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sharing a Facebook account with your gf/wife is the best way to let everyone know how whipped you are.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 22:08 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Boy: "You're like summer." Girl: "Awww hot?" Boy: "Nope, no class."
←Rate | 06-12-2012 01:16 by BEGO Comments (0)  

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