Funny Status Messages and Tweets

Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.

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   messageicon If you want proof that one person can make a difference, punch a stranger in the face.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:50 by Marshall the Great Comments (2)  

   messageicon If I ever get summoned for jury duty, I plan on appearing in the courtroom in a puff of smoke and yelling, "WHO SUMMONED ME?"
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:49 by Marshall the Great Comments (2)  

   messageicon Life is like a box of chocolates...I don't think so! Mine is more like a box of hand grenades...pull the wrong pin and everything goes flying!
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:46 by Marshall the Great Comments (3)  

   messageicon Whenever I get a message that begins with "Hey Stranger" I know I'm about to be asked for a favor by someone I don't want to help.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:43 by Marshall the Great Comments (2)  

   messageicon I'm afraid people can see me through my web cam even though its off.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:41 by Marshall the Great Comments (2)  

   messageicon I don't know if my liver or heart hurts more during a break up...
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:40 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wish relationships were more like cell phone plans - "Free nights and weekends."
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:39 by Marshall the Great Comments (1)  

   messageicon Maybe things would improve if we shipped Congress's jobs overseas too.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:37 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Okay, so you Republicans taking office, we all expect a complete economic turnaround in less than two years. Got it?
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:36 by Marshall the Great Comments (2)  

   messageicon Just once I would like the pilot to say "Hey gang, who here wants to just keep flying and see where we end up?"
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:34 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon All I wanna do is have my mind erased
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:32 by Marshall the Comments (0)  

   messageicon It isn't until all's been said and done that you actually realize all you should have said and done.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:31 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon I love asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up... cause, you know... I'm still looking for ideas.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 23:28 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Every guy thinks catching the girl he loves is an amazing accomplishment. Actually, catching the girl is the easy part, keeping her is the real damn accomplishment.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:59 by BEGO Comments (2)  

   messageicon So many things remind me of You, mostly when I sit on the toilet.
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:57 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon the font smaller, or am I on acid??
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:56 by MikeM Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't care what the world knows about me just so long as my parents never finds out
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:40 by BEGO Comments (2)  

   messageicon I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question...
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:29 by heZz Comments (1)  

   messageicon no officer, I was not texting...i was on facebook
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:29 by cece Comments (0)  

   messageicon i text one of my boss "Whats the difference between this morning and your daughter?".He says "I dont know" .I say "I'm not cuming in this morning
←Rate | 11-03-2010 22:28 by @seddy90 Comments (0)  

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