Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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If someone calls you fat, Don't get angry, just turn the other chin.
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11-28-2011 14:28
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I am trying my very best to get into the holiday spirit but I cant open the damn bottle.
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11-28-2011 14:25
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My upstairs neighbour made a ground breaking discovery last night. He can't fly.
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11-28-2011 14:23
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I could tell you to go f yourself but I am afraid you will ask for directions.
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11-28-2011 14:20
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one girl scout cookie away from type two diabetes
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11-28-2011 14:19 by Pstaff
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You gotta hand it to midgets...because they sure as siht can't reach it...
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11-28-2011 13:51
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There are some 35–45 year old men who think Cyber Monday means something else...
I went shopping today for belts, and I used them right away on all the screaming kids at the store.
I wonder if Stevie Wonder knows he's black?
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11-28-2011 13:06 by BAD GUY
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The cleanliness of my house directly depends on my chances of getting laid that day.
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11-28-2011 13:04
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Happy Cyber Monday!! A/S/L?
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11-28-2011 13:01 by JaxWylde
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My girlfriend gave me an ultimatum; it's either her or the Facebook. So sadly, this will be my last st@tus update, in which I talk about having a girlfriend.
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11-28-2011 13:00
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The haunting fragrance of her mysterious perfume lingered long after the blinding sting of her pepper spray had faded.
If you're a female, I can understand if you don't watch football, if you're a man, you have an obligation to your why chromosome.
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11-28-2011 12:53
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FACT: If Osama Bin Laden hid where I hide my porn, he would still be alive today.
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11-28-2011 12:48 by Czovczov
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Dear Chubby kids chasing me,this is my way of helping cure Obesity...Sincerly,the Ice Cream Truck Driver.
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11-28-2011 12:47
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I hate when people on YouTube say, "if your watching this in 2011". I'm always like oh no, I'm watching it 1500 BC on my IStone.
Barney Frank is retiring from Congress to coach football at Penn State....
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11-28-2011 11:31 by sully
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Knowing when to shut the hell up is a gift very few people are born with.
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11-28-2011 11:26
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Idk what it is about this morning but I'm feeling really homy... Did you read that wrong too?