Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon I put my phone in airplane mode and started constantly banging my knees on stuff.
←Rate | 02-22-2021 09:01 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I had a dream I was making out with someone with really bad breath. Judging by the look on my dog’s face, I’d say we had the same dream.
←Rate | 02-22-2021 09:00 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don’t go to Starbucks very often. It’s intimidating. I never know how to order. Last time I ended up with a cup of hot dog water.
←Rate | 02-22-2021 08:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why do women always say they want a man with a stable job? What’s so glamorous about cleaning up after horses?
←Rate | 02-21-2021 16:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Somebody just asked casually if I have a webcam, I can only assume they want to see my junk.
←Rate | 02-21-2021 16:42 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Say what you will, but Rush Limbaugh is a star. By star, I mean a large, gassy object that can be seen from a distance.
←Rate | 02-21-2021 16:25 by Fazlo Comments (0)  

   messageicon Cleaned all the spare change out of a old couch I'm about to throw out and think I found just enough to buy a new couch.
←Rate | 02-21-2021 14:45 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trusting Bill Gates with your health is like trusting Jeffrey Epstein with your daughter.
←Rate | 02-21-2021 11:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon My wife has basically two problems: Nothing to wear and not enough closet space.
←Rate | 02-21-2021 11:13 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wasa mask while holding an elevator door for an elderly person. He shook his head (from 20 feet away) violently and said, "I wouldn't get in an elevator with another person even if you paid me!" I'd had it with these rude sheep. I took off my m
←Rate | 02-21-2021 08:20 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Cow farts come from the dairy air... I'll see myself out.
←Rate | 02-20-2021 20:15 by XOXO Comments (0)  

   messageicon This alpha bits cereal that I spilled on the floor is still more coherent than anything out of Joe Biden's mouth
←Rate | 02-20-2021 09:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Big Tech censoring Demlibers? I’m not seeing anything about how great Joe is doing.
←Rate | 02-20-2021 04:56 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I really hate to make you people cry but Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce from Kanye West.
←Rate | 02-19-2021 19:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Life's short don't throw, I mean scroll, it away!
←Rate | 02-19-2021 12:12 Comments (0)  

   messageicon The Mars rover captured Ted Cruz as its first image on Mars.
←Rate | 02-19-2021 12:03 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why don't top sheets have a fitted bottom so that mf'er stays tucked in?
←Rate | 02-19-2021 10:46 Comments (0)  

   messageicon It takes a lot of courage for a man to admit his wife is wrong.
←Rate | 02-19-2021 08:47 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Marriage is saying “they’re both the same” while secretly knowing that one bowl of ice cream is slightly better than the other bowl of ice cream
←Rate | 02-19-2021 08:04 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Going to spend the weekend cleaning in case Publisher's Clearinghouse shows up at my door with TV cameras and a check.
←Rate | 02-19-2021 02:01 by @CryptoPolka Comments (0)  

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