LEMONPILLOW Funny Status Messages
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Morning without coffee is like sleep.
Procrastination has it's good side. You always have something to do tomorrow.
Every once in a brownish-purple moon, I worry that I might be colorblind.
Keep smiling. But not to the point where people begin to think you're mentally unbalanced.
My laziness is becoming such a issue that I can't even be bothered hanging my clothes on my treadmill anymore
When I said "I wanted to be held" I didn't mean "by the Authorities".
If you need space then work at NASA.
Naomi Campbell should take up golf because she's really good at hitting the driver.
March 4th. I like today's date because it's like i'm telling people what to do.
..when people write "is ;-)" as their stat message,you tend to think,well,if I was ";-)" would I stop and write a stat update about it? Obviously you're not ";-)" very well.
Definition of mixed emotions: seeing your mother-in-law go over a cliff in your brand new Porsche.
Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team? Because those that can run,jump and swim are already in the U.S.
What do you call a lesbian with long fingernails? Single!
Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
My therapist just prescribed all new meds for my March madness.
I want a search engine that will tell me where my keys are.
Sow your wild oats on Saturday night. Then pray for crop failure on Sunday.
I smile because I don't know what's going on.
I bet curling atheletes have dirty houses. When they get home,they must think "Screw this. I do enough sweeping at work!"
I should really stop confusing sign language for kung-fu.
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