Funny Status Messages and Tweets

Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.

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   messageicon If people are talking behind your back, then just fart.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:20 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I’m opening a bar called The Office. (You’re welcome guys.) “Be home soon sweetie, I’m at The Office”
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:20 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Last night the White House staff played softball against a team made up of marijuana lobbyists. Which explains why there were 20 hits BEFORE the game even started.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:19 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Answering the phone with a blast from an air horn sure has decreased the number of unwanted incoming calls considerably.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:19 Comments (0)  

   messageicon YEAH!!!!! FIRST DAY OF SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!!!!! when do the kids go back to school??
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:18 Comments (0)  

   messageicon They need to put more spider poison in hairspray.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I refuse to jump on the ‘I hate Mondays’ bandwagon. I hate all workdays equally..
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:13 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Toast, and Bacon and eggs all walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast.”
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:12 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Recipes are like a dating service. They never end up looking like the picture.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:12 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I see myself as one day being an old man in an assisted living facility crushing my pill cups with my bare hands to impress the nurses.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:10 Comments (1)  

   messageicon I’m going to change my name to Benny Fitz…so when people add me on Facebook, it will say;..You are now friends with Benny Fitz.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Quote of the year: If you think life is unfair, you’re not gonna be too thrilled about death.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:08 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Ear hair is God’s way of telling you it’s time to buy a sports car.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:06 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don’t mind running into debt. It’s running into my creditors that’s embarrassing.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:05 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Spent the morning at the farmers market carefully selecting fruits and vegetables to throw away next Saturday.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:05 Comments (0)  

   messageicon They should make Jack Daniels chap stick.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:05 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Patience is what parents have when there are witnesses around.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know what’s more annoying than cops? People who buy old refurbished cop cars and keep the spotlight attached. We all hate you.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I want the job where you push scared skydivers out of planes.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 08:01 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Not now. I'm busy on ebay. Making the most of my 'me' time.
←Rate | 06-18-2016 06:49 Comments (0)  

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