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   messageicon everyone is talking about Melania. Nobody even remembers that part of the Convention. Well played Melania.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 13:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Who really cares if Melania plagiarized .... She is not even running for office! But that other lady in a pantsuit who exposed and compromised US National Security, Deleted CLASSIFIED emails and investigated by the FBI .... IS running for President.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 13:27 Comments (0)  

   messageicon So what if Melania plagiarized? It's not like she exposed National Security, deleted classified emails and was investigated by the FBI.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 12:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Awe c'mon folks .... No matter what you have to say about the big plagiarism scandal ...... You do have to admit that Melania definitely said it better!!
←Rate | 07-20-2016 12:20 Comments (0)  

   messageicon .... Isn't it curious that the main stream media has now already spent more time investigating and covering Melania Trump's "Plagiarism" than they have investigating and covering Hillary Clinton's entire "Email Scandal!!!!"
←Rate | 07-20-2016 12:18 Comments (0)  

   messageicon “When cops come to save your life, they don’t ask if you are black or white, they just come to save you!” -------- Rudy Giuliani
←Rate | 07-20-2016 12:00 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. - Melania Trump
←Rate | 07-20-2016 11:21 Comments (0)  

   messageicon "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?" ------------ Melania Trump's testimony at the Benghazi Hearings on May 8, 2013
←Rate | 07-20-2016 10:55 Comments (0)  

   messageicon "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ---- Melania Trump
←Rate | 07-20-2016 10:51 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Of course Melania's speech sucked, Michelle wrote it......
←Rate | 07-20-2016 09:58 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I have an electric stove, but I prefer acoustic. The proceeding random thought was for all my musician friends........
←Rate | 07-20-2016 09:57 by Jerry Carter Comments (0)  

   messageicon Whenever my parents talk about "the good old days", they always seem to stop at 1990. Which is pretty cool, because that's also the year I was born... wait... what?
←Rate | 07-20-2016 08:57 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I hope the irony of people stealing each other's "Melania Trump plagiarism" jokes on Facebook is not overlooked.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 04:21 by Shinsky Da Don Comments (0)  

   messageicon "Melania's Speech was 100% real... Trust Me I was THERE!" - Brian Williams
←Rate | 07-20-2016 04:17 by jitney Comments (0)  

   messageicon "We do not consider Melania's speech to be plagarism....As there was no intent to plagarism" - FBI Director Comey
←Rate | 07-20-2016 04:15 Comments (1)  

   messageicon Yesterday was A slight fumble, but I think Melania's really gonna shine in the swimsuit portion of the competition...
←Rate | 07-20-2016 02:25 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Filter pics should come with a Disclaimer" Some objects may appear more beautiful than they realy are"
←Rate | 07-20-2016 01:35 Comments (0)  

   messageicon You put a couch on your back porch you're considered trashy but put a grill next to it and tent over it and you're rich.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 00:16 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Iced coffee, for when you need to chug your coffee but don't want to lose five layers of skin on the roof of your mouth.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 00:15 Comments (0)  

   messageicon All of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are over 21. Sorry to ruin the franchise for you.
←Rate | 07-20-2016 00:13 Comments (0)  

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