Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Jeeziz. Walmart's Mexico unit said on Thursday it would invest more than $6 billion in the country this year.
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03-28-2025 13:00
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Walmart's Mexico unit said on Thursday it would invest more than $6 billion in the country this year
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03-28-2025 13:02
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Technology will facilitate deception, domination, and surveillance too big to fail. The tentacles of the Squid Game now include the blood in our veins.
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03-28-2025 14:05
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Ford is moving four factories back to the USA opening up 25,000 jobs. But please, keep telling me tariffs don't work.
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03-28-2025 15:05
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Walmart Mexico is investing 6 billion in Mexico. The USA has nothing to do with it other than making a profit off of Walmart Mexico.
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03-28-2025 15:07
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Pikachu puked all over my grandmother
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03-28-2025 15:41
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I subscribed to Bass Pro Shop's newsletter, but I haven't been able to read it because I don't open fishing emails
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03-28-2025 15:42
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They should've never given jig-a-boos and women the right to vote.
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03-28-2025 16:05
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Pit Bulls should be illegal. Period.
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03-28-2025 16:09
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I give head.

I eat bananas for the shape, not the taste.

Ford CEO said at an investor conference last month, they're not going to build new plants in the States.
Lie much? Needled*ck?
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03-28-2025 18:07
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They should've never given jig-a-boos and women the right to vote.
Well, not all women. Not the dumb ones like your mother who also has herpes.
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03-28-2025 18:08
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Walmart Mexico is investing 6 billion in Mexico. The USA has nothing to do with it other than making a profit off of Walmart Mexico.
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03-28-2025 18:09
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The only secure document in Washington DC seems to be the Epstein client list because dumdum is all over it.
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03-28-2025 18:21
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46% of R*publicans believe Hegseth should resign. 62% of Am*ricans believe the same thing. Because he's a f***ing moron like his boss.
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03-28-2025 18:24
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Give this a th*mbs down if you're in the m*g* cult and realize you've made a huge mistake and want out but now its too late lol
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03-28-2025 18:30
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Elon Musk just threw a whiny temper tantrum after ACTUAL man Governor Tim Walz mocked Tesla stock for crashing due to backlash against his stupid bullsh*t hahaha
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03-28-2025 20:02
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Remember, gang: you’d have a better chance of teaching a pigeon to speak French than changing the mind of a l€ft-winger. Hence don’t waste your time.
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03-28-2025 21:00
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They said they voted him in "for the economy," then he ERASED 4.4 TRILLION of stock market value in 2 months. No wonder he loves the poorly educated. 😂
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03-28-2025 21:12 by Somuchfun
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