Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Where is your hug? Over there by the deodorant!
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02-04-2025 10:33
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Have you hugged an imbecile today? Me neither. Come here.
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02-04-2025 10:35
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02-04-2025 10:50
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I no longer wanna see heroes walking away from explosions but instead I wanna see them exit a helicopter without ducking.
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02-04-2025 10:50
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Taco Bell does a better job of making Mexican food that Beyoncé does making country music.
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02-04-2025 19:14
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After my funeral, I want one of my friends to take my phone and send a message to everyone: "Thank you for coming".

Marriage tip: Whenever you do something good for your wife, make sure to let her know. For example: "Hey honey, I put all the laundry by the laundry machine. That way you can wash the clothes after you get done with dinner."

We got a new 12 pack of large eggs. Looking to trade for 2022 or newer Range Rover with low miles. DM for pics of the eggs.
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02-05-2025 15:25 by Jeffrey
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With the price of eggs this year, we're not dying eggs for Easter. We're dying Cheerios.
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02-05-2025 16:39
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I got a Valentine's Day card that kind of creeped me out today....... It was from my proctologist.
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02-06-2025 07:11
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God made the earth then rested. God made man then rested. God made woman and since then neither God nor man have rested again.

Marriage tip: Every once in a while, call your wife by one of your ex-girlfriend's names. This will help her realize that she is not the only woman on the docket, and that you're a really good catch!

Whenever I feel down, I remember I have a roll of Lifesavers and pineapple is next.
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02-06-2025 19:36
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A loan officer put a stack of his business cards on a shelf in the grocery store’s egg section.
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02-07-2025 08:27
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I bought a second scale to weigh my first scale so I can show it how it feels.
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02-07-2025 08:53
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Elon Musk is out of control. And we love it.
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02-07-2025 09:11
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On average, every person in the world has one testicle.
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02-07-2025 17:09
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For $20 I’ll go to your ex’s profile and comment “the other one was cuter” on their pics
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02-08-2025 08:50
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So, USAID gave Egypt $6million to develop tourism. It's obviously a pyramid scheme.
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02-08-2025 14:41
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Step 1: Go to a drive through. Step 2: Say "I'm sorry but I'm blind. Can you read the menu to me"? Step 3: See how long they'll read before realizing you can't drive if you're blind.