Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Let's go, Brandon!
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07-18-2024 14:58 by JOEBiden
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People identify as either Binary or Non-Binary. So even if they identify as Non-Binary, they are still binary.
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07-18-2024 22:02
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The left can’t aim right.
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07-19-2024 07:31 by Schiz
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Most people want a perfect relationship. I just want a hamburger that looks like the one on the menu.

What a lucky week! First I win the lottery, and then some relatives I'd lost contact with got in touch.

Despite the old saying, "Don't take your troubles to bed", many men still sleep with their wives.

I miss the good old days when you could actually have an opinion without offending someone.

Have you ever noticed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone driving faster is a maniac?

The difference between superman and I. Superman has super vision ,I require supervision!
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07-23-2024 19:45
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It's kinda weird realizing that we are the last generation on this earth to know what life was like before social media.

There are scams all over the internet! Send me just $19.95 and I'll show you how to avoid them!

I identify as Non-Bidenary.
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07-26-2024 16:24
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Whoever said, "Out of sight, out of mind" never had a spider disappear in the bedroom.

My brain just logged me out due to inactivity and now I can't remember my password. FML.
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07-27-2024 16:29
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Social media has taught me a few things. First, there are some incredibly brilliant people in the world. Second, they are greatly outnumbered.

I love it when people get mad and speed past me, only to end up at the same red light.

Okay, so is Simone Biles done showing us her snatch? Can we please get to the Track & Field competitions now?
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07-30-2024 14:35
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It's a good thing farting isn't contagious like yawning is.
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07-31-2024 06:18
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The problem isn't the puppet or the puppeteer. It's the imbeciles in the audience screaming for an encore.
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07-31-2024 09:35
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I like the Old Normal better than the New Normal.
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07-31-2024 11:35
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