Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Instagram: Hispanic women with big rear-ends whose entire bodies will resemble pumpkins with legs when they turn 50.

Yeah, yeah. You're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day, but they're my arms and legs and I can't leave them at home.

The Genie granted me 1 wish and all I wanted was to be Happy . Now I live with 6 Dwarfs and work in a forest..
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09-05-2023 14:23
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Word of the Day: Bozone. The aura surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.
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09-06-2023 08:35
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I couldn't afford one of those DNA/ancestry kits, so instead, I posted that I won the lottery.
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09-06-2023 09:04 by Bazoo
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09-06-2023 23:57
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Lesbians are
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09-07-2023 01:12
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A leopard can drag something half its weight up a tree. A cougar can drag someone half her age into bed.
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09-07-2023 08:37
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I saw a piece of chewing gum in the urinal today and thought, damn that must have been really painful.
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09-07-2023 11:01
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If you see my account doing wild or out-of-character things, no worries. It’s not me, I routinely rent it out as an Airbnb
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09-07-2023 12:29
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I saw a mosquito stand on my arm and let it bite me while I just stared and said "is it in yet?" to make it feel insecure about itself.
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09-07-2023 15:06
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Mess with your older neighbors by adding water to their rain gauges.
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09-07-2023 19:23
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The Detroit Lions are leading the NFL in wins.
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09-08-2023 06:54
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Parenting teenage boys is like managing a small, rebellious nation. Negotiations are intense, there's always drama, and you're constantly working to keep the peace. But hey, at least I'm getting real-world experience in crisis management. 🤣🥰😄
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09-08-2023 18:38
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I find it ironic that I have to use my driver's license to buy stuff that impairs my ability to drive.
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09-10-2023 10:28
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Remembering 911 is easy. Remembering the phone number to Luigi's Pizza and Pasta Palace is not.
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09-11-2023 06:19
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Toilet was stolen out of city hall yesterday. Police say they have nothing to go on.

Oh thank goodness, now we can go back to leaving our houses unlocked and leaving keys in the truck again.
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09-13-2023 18:04
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I made instant coffee in the microwave. I went back in time.

Some day you'll go far... and I hope you stay there
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09-14-2023 21:24
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