Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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But the baby bear said, "My porridge is just right. My porridge is just right." That bear's repeating.
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08-25-2023 12:36
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Two hundred fifteen pounds? More like five hundred pounds.
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08-25-2023 13:24
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Milk Duds: When you want some candy but also crave a dislocated jaw
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08-27-2023 12:30
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Stressed spelled backwards is desserts . . . . It all makes sense now
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08-28-2023 08:15
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The attendees at classic rock concerts are getting so old that I have to make sure I'm at a music venue instead of the Early Bird Special at Denny's.
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08-28-2023 11:29 by McFizz
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Hurricane Idalia is slowly heading north at 8 mph. Kinda like a person of color driving in the left lane on I-95.
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08-28-2023 14:01
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I said to the waiter, "This fish is dry." And he said, "Yes sir, we had to take it out of the water."
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08-28-2023 16:09
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More like your meth smoking mama driving in the left lane on I-95.
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08-29-2023 16:06
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I won't be participating in the 2023-2024 Wuhan Flu Games!
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08-29-2023 19:16
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My name is, P01135809
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08-30-2023 17:46
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Why did God create economists? Because he didn't want meterorologists to be the only people wrong all the time.
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09-01-2023 18:13
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Time travel is real, but you just don't know it,......yet
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09-01-2023 23:10
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RIP Jimmy Buffett. The Hurlburger's in Paradise.

passing away to margaritaville
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09-02-2023 08:07
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Jimmy Buffett sat on a tuffet Drinking his Tanqueray When along came a drunkard A pothead had skunkard And folks in Key West are all ghey..

A blonde finds out she's going to have twins and starts crying. "What's wrong," the doctor asked, "Do you not want twins?" The blonde replied, "No, I don't know who the second dad is!"

I can never find my college Alma Mater's football games on TV. I attended FU. It's the only school that'd accept me. I graduated Smegma Cum Lordy.

Song Wrecker . Someone who you can't listen to a certain song without having a bad flashback to ?
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09-03-2023 13:53
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If I comment on your post “Nice filter, are you gonna block me?”
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09-05-2023 01:57
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I call my peeniss Joe Pesci, because I haven't seen that little guy in years.
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09-05-2023 10:09 by Chubby
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