Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Only rich people can figure out a way to die on the Titanic 111 years later.
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06-21-2023 19:13 by kW
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Titan sun
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06-22-2023 09:58
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A vessel that didn't undergo a certification process, had issues on all of its previous dives, and was operated utilizing an aftermarket video game controller. What could possibly go wrong?

TITAN? More like TiN cAN. RIP Explorers
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06-22-2023 16:14
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There have been a lot of tasteless jokes about the lost Titan submarine. How could people sink so low?
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06-23-2023 08:11
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Arguing with a woman is like getting arrested. Everything you say can and WILL be used against you... So use your right to remain silent!

Hunter Biden walks away from multiple felony charges. The media; look, a submarine!
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06-23-2023 16:26
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Country music
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06-23-2023 20:48
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Q. What has red hair, big shoes and lives in a test tube? A. Bozo the Clone.
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06-23-2023 21:16 by Kull
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God always answers prayers. The problem is 99% of the time the answer is "no."

Everybody hates a cliffhanger because of the

Did you know that 36% of women are battered ... and all this time ...I've been eating them raw
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06-26-2023 00:17
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My smart mouth always gets me in trouble. And if it's not my mouth, it's my facial expressions.

When will these social media model wannabes learn that guys drool over anything. The only things required are 2 t'ts, a hole, and a heartbeat. Heartbeat optional.
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06-28-2023 09:16
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I missed a swipe when shaving my legs and now my leg has a mohawk
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06-28-2023 10:05
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I like to dye my hair when I stay in hotel rooms to make the housekeepers believe I’m on the run.
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06-28-2023 10:05
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Too embarrassed to buy “skinny jeans”? Simply buy normal jeans and put on a sheetload of weight.
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06-28-2023 10:06
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I'm at the age where I don't want to throw away a box because, well, it's a really nice box.
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06-28-2023 10:42
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All women over 40 have garlic breath.
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06-28-2023 11:07
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New song.
Smoke on the water,
Fire in Canada