Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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What idiot called it a successful vasectomy and not getting out of the gene pool
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03-01-2023 04:54
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Chocolate is a vegetable due to these reasons. Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is processed from cocoa beans, and beans are vegetables.

You will attract attention if wearing a skirt on a windy day. This is doubly true if you are a man.
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03-01-2023 16:07
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I got a job at Comcast and completed training so I could fix my own cable because it was faster than being on hold with customer service.
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03-01-2023 16:09
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My "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt only seems to be working on my dog
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03-01-2023 16:10
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With the way 2023 has been going I couldn't decide if wanted to sit outside to watch the meteorite shower or take cover.
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03-01-2023 16:11
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Now that "Cocaine Bear" has been a hit and they are working on "Meth Alligator." I can't wait for the next installment, "Marijuana Sloth." A 7 hour slow-paced movie about a vicious Bradypus with the munchies for murder.
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03-01-2023 17:11
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ell your wife her butt looks big in those jeans. Live a little.. Life is too short!
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03-02-2023 05:52
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This would look ALOT better in the toilet” -toddlers
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03-02-2023 05:52
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I just want to be rich enough to hire someone whose job is to intercept callers and visitors and say, “he’s in no condition to see anyone right now”
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03-02-2023 05:52
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Oh, you want a free college education? Please tell me how serious you took your free high school education.

I set my phone to airplane mode. It just now tried to charge me 20 bucks for a bag of peanuts and a Sprite.
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03-02-2023 06:57
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I’m an organ donor, but I’m pretty sure all they’re going to use is my liver for the “after” photos.
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03-02-2023 13:51
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Finding out your ex got fat is like finding 20 bucks in your pocket. Not life changing but definitely puts a smile on your face.
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03-02-2023 13:52
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If you enter into a relationship and discover she has 5 kids and a Yorkshire Terrier, give it up. There's no way you'll ever win out over the Yorkie.
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03-02-2023 17:10 by Termite
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There are so many candles on my birthday cake, the Girl Scouts are gonna show up, form a circle around it, and sing Kum Ba Yah.
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03-02-2023 17:14
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I'm currently in the process of getting my groove back. Please standby!

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me diriger vers un site Web amusant de messages d'état ?

Alguém poderia me direcionar para um site engraçado de mensagem de status?

Podría alguien dirigirme a un sitio web divertido de mensajes de estado?