Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I'm still a rock star I tell myself as I heal from a finger sprain caused by opening a jug of milk !
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12-10-2022 10:14
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I looked up lighters on Ebay and all I could find was 13,749 matches.
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12-10-2022 12:02 by Curly
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Dogs be like, "I can eat that whole cake in return for getting smacked on the ass with a newspaper? I'm goin' in!"
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12-10-2022 15:19
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Every year, my Christmas list begins with "Dear Santa, my sisters did it. But I have been very good this year, because I'm an angel!

The holiday season is here. Remember to set your scales back 10lbs at midnight.

For a generation who can't find a "good man" you ladies sure are pregnant a lot.
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12-11-2022 23:35
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Without freedom of speech we wouldn’t know who the idiots are!
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12-12-2022 05:58
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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day but teach a man to phish and he will steal your social security # so click here to verify your account.
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12-12-2022 06:00
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Santa, you break into people's houses and eat their cookies; don't judge me.

Oh! Oh! Oh!" ~Dyslexic Santa
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12-12-2022 06:39
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Tonight I will be visited by 3 "Spirits"............. Rum, Vodka, and Gin.
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12-12-2022 06:39
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I'm going to adopt a dog and call him Peeve. He'll be my pet, Peeve.
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12-12-2022 06:47
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Some people must go through an awful lot of soap, having to wash 2 faces and all .
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12-12-2022 14:34
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I wish Santa would just dump 100ft of coal around Biden and Nancy Pelosi's house.

Due to the extreme coal shortage, Santa will be giving out Justin Bieber cds to all the bad kids this year.

Anyone else rip their mask off when they get in the car like they've just finished a disappointing surgery on Grey's Anatomy?
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12-15-2022 10:03
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Let me get this straight; a fat man who breaks and enters into my home, who steals all my Christmas cookies, is the one who judges if I'm naughty or nice?

What if we vaccinate a bunch of mosquitoes next Spring and release them?
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12-16-2022 12:06
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My favorite childhood memory is fast metabolism
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12-16-2022 12:07
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Welcome to your 60s - you now think every car has its brights on.
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12-16-2022 12:07
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